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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Be the Apple of His Eye

Natalie had no recollection of it at all, and naturally she couldn't remember what she felt.

She was placing her mind elsewhere, and accidentally touched the wound on his lips.

He gasped visibly.

She came back to earth and apologized hurriedly.

She tightened the lipstick and handed it to him. Finding that he had no response, she handed over the lipstick again and said, "Well, cool down. Just remember to use it when you have time!"

Kendrick took the lipstick.

As he saw that her eyes resembled a pair of crescent moods, he found it hard to be angry with her.

However, when he thought of those absurd things she had done, he just couldn't work his anger off.

Outwardly she looked rather cute, but in fact she was not like that at all. She was quite arrogant, feeling that she was perfectly capable.

Kendrick continued to leave her alone.

"I know it is all my fault. I do. Please don't ignore me."

She stretched out her hand and pulled the hem of his clothes, "Anger is bad for your health."

She never expected that he would get cross.

She always thought that he didn't have any mood swings.

Kendrick reached for the wound on his upper lip and snorted coldly, "You'd better mean it."

Hearing that, Natalie nodded quickly, "Next time I will tell you in advance."

"This is the last time." He interrupted her impatiently, "Give me the drugs later!"

She opened her eyes wide as she heard that, and said in disbelief, "Do you want to have a try?"

At that moment, he obviously felt a sharp rise in his blood pressure.

He put his hand to his forehead with a sense of helplessness and said, "Just stay at home peacefully this week. You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

All right!

She just said that rashly, didn't she?

How could she be locked in a "small black room" just because of it?


In the afternoon, Kendrick was watering the flowers in the greenhouse.

He had planted a variety of orchids.

Just one orchid would at least cost over one hundred thousand dollars.

The lotus-petal-shaped orchid was worth millions.

And it was rather delicate, difficult to plant.

But Kendrick just loved it.

Although he was indifferent and cold, he would do his best to treat everything he loved.

It was a pity that he had been fond of very few things.

Naturally, others had no such experience of being the apple of his eye.

The sunshine fell on him. He was at a rarely quiet moment.

Natalie suddenly pushed the door open and said, "There is a call for you."

His phone was placed on the coffee table in the living room, and it kept ringing.

As he reached for the phone, he heard her words, "It's Reuben!"

He guessed that Reuben's phone call must be about Nora.

Kendrick slid to answer the phone and tapped the "speaker" on the screen. Reuben's voice came from the phone.

He first took a few deep breaths, and said after calming himself down, "Look, Kendrick, I have to tell you about this, or I will never stomach such an insult. Really, I don't expect that I will have such an ungrateful brat as my daughter after 20 years of hard work and education. Look, from now on, I will disown her. She is rather vicious and wily. Natalie jerked her mother around and played tricks with her. Now Nora is highly unstable. She cries and wants to commit suicide."

"Shall I call the Center for Mental Illness for you?" said Kendrick with concern.

Reuben was speechless.

It could be found that Reuben was rather angry. His heavy and harsh breathing could be heard from the phone, "Well, I told you about it but I didn't ask you to do me justice. I just want to remind you that Natalie has been rather extreme and weird since she was a child. Something is wrong with her mental state. Well, other members of the family always let her win, but she is just ungrateful and bullies her sister instead!"

There was coldness in Kendrick's face, "Well, Mr. Quinn, that was not what you had said to my grandfather, wasn't that?"


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