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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Beautiful and Cool

Natalie casually replied, "I felt unwell in my legs several days ago, so I had an acupuncture treatment."

Maggie looked up at her and said with a deep frown, "It must be painful. When I was forced to have an acupuncture treatment last time, it hurt for a long time."

The nerves in the knees were sensitive, so it hurt badly.

Natalie perfunctorily nodded and raised her voice when saying, "Focus on your hands."

The gauze was crooked!

"Okay!" Maggie nodded and righted the gauze.

After bandaging her calf up, Natalie slumped on the sofa and asked, "Are you sure you're not going to tell your family about this?"

Maggie said, "If they know about it, they will not allow me to work in the entertainment industry anymore. But I haven't fulfilled my dream yet."

She had loved acting since childhood, so she entered the entertainment industry. Being the princess of the Ramsey family was more comfortable, and she could make more money. But she had still decided to follow her dream.

Natalie gently said, "But if you keep them in the dark, they will feel more worried. According to Murphy's law, the more you try to hide it from them, the more likely they will know."

"I..." Maggie was speechless.

She was only twenty years old, so she was inexperienced and gullible, unable to think rationally and maturely.

"I'm just giving you a piece of advice. You are an adult, so you have your logic and principles." Natalie said softly, "You can do whatever you want as long as you can bear the consequences of your choices."

Maggie looked at her in surprise.

Natalie was the same age as her, but she somehow looked mature and calm like Ken! Nat's and Ken's temperaments were indeed similar. He was also always calm as if he did not care about anything. They both were gentle on the outside but tough on the inside. Sure enough, after being together for a long time, a couple would become more like each other.

What a perfect match they were!

Maggie lowered her eyes and replied, "I'll think about it carefully!"

She was a little confused, not knowing what to do. But she admitted Natalie's words made sense. After hesitating for a while, she decided to have a meal first.

So, she took out her phone and said, "Let's order takeaway!"

Natalie nodded, "Order something expensive to reward me."

"No problem!" Maggie sincerely said, "Thank you, Nat! We're best friends now, right?"

Natalie laughed, "Sure!"

After choosing an expensive restaurant and placing the order, Maggie opened Twitter. But soon, her smile froze on her face because Natalie had become a trending topic!

Someone posted a video of her beating the attacker in the underground parking lot online. In the video, Natalie lashed the man with the metal chain and kicked him in the face, looking decisive, calm, and ruthless. And her attacks were fast and accurate without hesitation.

The person who had posted the video had blurred her face to protect her privacy and wrote, "Facing an attacker, the young lady defeated him with one strike. Her attacks are neat and hard, and she looks beautiful and cool. Do you like her it?"

Maggie had felt flustered at first. But after reading the comments, she found everyone was praising Natalie. So, she breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over, and said, "Nat, you became a trending topic! Everyone is praising you!"

Natalie raised her eyebrows and said, "Really?"

She took Maggie's phone over and flipped through the comments.

"What a cool young lady! I want to marry her!"

"Wow, her attacks are ruthless. Are the man's eyeballs OK?"

"The man attacked her with a knife! Is she injured?"


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