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My Ex-husband Begs Me Back (Ayan and Camille) novel Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563: Settling Scores

Two photos released by the Simpson Group: one was a group photo from Jordan's university days, featuring not only the two of them but also Rex, Derek, and Tomas.

The other was a picture of him and Camille, holding hands by the floor-to-ceiling window in a hotel room, capturing the view of Dane City.

Their hands were visible, indicating that they were indeed at a hotel in Dane City, the same hotel where the cake was delivered.

These two photos were sufficient to demonstrate that Ayan and Jordan were acquainted in the old market and also indicated that he was at the hotel, so Camille was not alone.

However, the official blog still posted a brief explanation: "We apologize for the misunderstanding and the unnecessary use of public resources by our lady. Mr. Bailey and our president are old classmates and friends. Yesterday was Mr. Bailey's birthday, and since the president couldn't make it due to a business trip in Campole, his wife happened to be in Dane City for some matters, so she represented the president in delivering the cake to Mr. Bailey. Is there any problem?"

The Simpson Group's official blog posed this question, particularly targeting the netizens who made a big deal out of it and the unscrupulous media and journalists who leaked this video. Consequently, a series of questions and inquiries followed suit.

"That's right, what's the problem with someone delivering a cake on behalf of her husband to his good friend?"

"May I ask if this journalist and this media outlet have nothing better to do?"

"May I ask if you've never eaten cake? What's the problem with someone enjoying a piece of cake?"

"May I ask..."

The following were a string of "may I ask" and "what's the problem" questions.

Jordan glanced at the online situation and calmly responded to his secretary, "Don't bother with it."

Ayan had already responded, and this incident would not bring any negative impact to Camille.

When Camille woke up, she naturally noticed the current situation.

After looking at her phone, she turned to Ayan and said, "It seems like your relationship with Jordan during your university days is even better than you've described!"

They had talked quite a bit with each other last night, so Camille had some knowledge about Ayan's relationship with Jordan. However, it was only after seeing the group photo that she realized their relationship was even closer than she had imagined.

Ayan didn't respond to this topic but instead handed her coat to her and said, "Put on some clothes, get up, and let's go downstairs for breakfast. I've made plans to have dinner with Jordan tonight."

In a sense, this dinner was his initiative to invite Jordan, a way of thanking him on Camille's behalf for the previous help.

However, there was no need to tell Camille about these words; it was enough to inform Jordan directly.

Ayan had just made a phone call to Jordan, and naturally, he agreed to the invitation.

Camille paused for a moment, then followed along, saying, "I had originally planned to have dinner with him tonight too. I have prepared a birthday gift for him; I'll go pick it up later, and we can give it to him together tonight."

Hearing that they were supposed to have dinner together tonight, if this incident hadn't occurred, they would have had dinner together and exchanged gifts. Ayan's mood seemed less joyful now.

Ayan calmly looked at Camille and asked, "If the video incident hadn't happened, and you were planning to have dinner with him tonight, were you not planning to tell me?"

Camille didn't respond immediately; she instinctively hesitated for a moment before saying, "Well, since you didn't inform me about your business trip in advance, I definitely wouldn't have told you."

Even though he was right there with her at the moment, she still spoke the truth, without wanting to sugarcoat or deceive him in any way.

Chapter 1563: Settling Scores 1


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