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My Ex-husband Begs Me Back (Ayan and Camille) novel Chapter 1564

Chapter 1564: Cunning

Sienna asked Camille, but she remained silent because she truly didn't know.

Camille frowned slightly, her gaze instinctively shifting towards the bedroom door. She was inside the bedroom while Ayan was working outside.

She pursed her lips and spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "I don't know."

"I know you don't know, that's why I'm telling you. Did Ayan's anger towards Dane City lessen at all when he rushed here overnight? Unless it's something extremely serious, maybe you should give him a chance. Of course, I'm not trying to persuade you. I'm just here to inform you," Sienna said, smiling faintly.

"Okay, thank you," Camille replied calmly.

"You're welcome. We're on the same side," Sienna pretended to be polite, her voice revealing an obvious smile. She continued, "You haven't seen Mr. Simpson for a few days. Did anything intense happen last night?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Do you want to tell me?"

"If you want to know, I can tell you, hmm?"

Sienna was genuinely looking forward to it. It was like reading a colorful novel. In this pouring rain, hearing something intense would help pass the boring time. Of course, she wouldn't let Rex hear about this. Such matters were confidential and not meant to be heard without payment.

Sienna covered the receiver and calmly walked into the bedroom before speaking softly, "Come on, tell me. I want to know."

"Alright, then I'll start," Camille said earnestly, without any trace of evasion. She explained in detail what happened last night and the intense events Sienna had imagined. After finishing, she couldn't help but remind Sienna, "Remember to transfer the money to me later!!!"

Sienna got so angry that she immediately hung up the phone without any hesitation.

Seeing the hung-up phone, Camille couldn't help but laugh.

Her smile was caught by Ayan, who had just finished his work and came to the bedroom. He noticed she was smiling while staring at her phone, so he asked, "What's making you so happy?"

Camille replied, "I had a chat with Sienna that annoyed her."

And she annoyed her quite a bit.

Ayan sat down beside her and in a low, hoarse voice said, "It seems you're not only angry with me, but you're also not letting Sienna off the hook!"

Camille pretended not to understand and simply glanced at Ayan before deciding not to say anything.

"There's still a little over an hour until dinner time. If you don't want to talk, let's do something meaningful. We still have time, hmm?" he suggested, looking at Camille.

Camille knew this person was capable of doing anything, so she quickly spoke up, "You're so annoying!"

Camille's voice carried a hint of coquetry, and Ayan's lips curved into a smile. He reached out and pulled her into his embrace, asking in a low, hoarse voice, "How am I annoying?"

Camille didn't answer, she just pursed her lips.

Ayan lightly pinched her chin, attempting to lean in for a kiss, but Camille evaded him unwillingly.

The atmosphere became ambiguous, and at this rate, they probably wouldn't even think about eating dinner.

Camille quickly changed the subject, tugging at Ayan's shirt and asking softly, "When the online incident happened, did my parents try to contact you?"

His deep gaze remained fixed on her, and he answered her question, "They called me and asked what happened exactly."

However, Fletcher and Talia were not unfamiliar with Jordan. They had visited each other's homes during their university days, so they knew each other. It's just that they hadn't had any connection for many years, and suddenly there was this unexpected association. Naturally, it would bring about some surprising reactions.

As for the videos related to Camille, Fletcher and Talia certainly wouldn't misunderstand that there is any relationship between Camille and Jordan. They simply ask Ayan what the matter is.

Ayan, who was unaware at the time, could only tell Fletcher and Talia that it was a misunderstanding and didn't say much else. However, even though the atmosphere between them wasn't present, one could still sense a slight abnormality.

Camille cared a lot about Fletcher and Talia's thoughts, so when she found out that Ayan had talked to them on the phone, she immediately asked, "So what did you say?"


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