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My Ex-husband Begs Me Back (Ayan and Camille) novel Chapter 1565

Chapter 1565: Excessive

Camille was taken aback, unsure of what he was about to do, but she heard Ayan say, "Be good, I'll be fine soon."

Then Ayan walked straight over. Although the reporters hadn't had direct contact with Ayan, the media and journalism circles were interconnected, and the rumors about Ayan were well-known.

Seeing Ayan's arrival, they naturally trembled with fear. They tightly held their cameras and video cameras, cautiously looking at Ayan and softly asked, "Mr. Simpson, do you have any instructions?"

Ayan squinted his eyes and looked at the three people before him. His voice was unusually cold as he said, "I dare not give instructions, but there is something I need your help with."

The three individuals exchanged glances, their eyes filled with astonishment and disbelief. After all, what could insignificant people like them do to help a big CEO like Ayan?

Taking a deep breath, the three of them whispered, "Mr. Simpson, we dare not refuse to help. Please tell us directly what you need. We just arrived and haven't captured anything yet!"

They were explaining to Ayan, afraid that he might do something to them.

Ayan didn't respond to their words, only saying, "Don't be nervous. I'm not going to do anything, nor am I going to question you. I just need your help with something mutually beneficial, understood?"

The three individuals nodded one after another, not daring to refuse or object in any way.

Ayan explained his thoughts, and the three of them were startled for a moment before subconsciously nodding in agreement.

Camille stood in place, watching Ayan speak to the three reporters. The atmosphere didn't seem as tense as she had imagined, but rather harmonious.

Camille pursed her lips and observed as Ayan walked towards her. She asked, "What did you talk about?"

Ayan simply replied in a gentle tone, "Just a few conversations."

"What did you talk about?"

"You'll find out later." Ayan didn't say more. Instead, he took her hand and they got into the car together.

Kian drove them to their destination. When they arrived, Jordan hadn't come yet. The three of them just had a meal, choosing a conspicuous spot instead of a private room. Their intention was, of course, to let others see them dining together, dispelling any inappropriate rumors and speculations.

After arranging the dishes, Ayan waited for Jordan to arrive.

After about ten minutes, Jordan arrived. He was more formally dressed than usual, and the light gray suit made him appear particularly gentle. He immediately spotted Camille and Ayan, then walked towards them.

Reaching the table, he spoke in a warm tone, "Sorry, I'm late. There was some traffic on the way."

"It's alright, we just arrived too." Camille took over the conversation and noticed that Ayan's expression had slightly faded, as if he was displeased. He was truly petty. Camille stopped talking and maintained her silence, not giving away the gift in her bag just yet.

Ayan and Jordan didn't remain silent either. Their gazes met, and then they simultaneously said, "Long time no see!"

Their voices contained a multitude of emotions and meanings.

Camille remained silent, not interrupting their reunion. However, men like them wouldn't openly express their thoughts. They both harbored their own secrets deep within their hearts.

The dishes arrived quickly, and everyone remained silent while eating.

Chapter 1565: Excessive 1


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