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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Her heart started beating wildly again.

The man’s low and sultry voice was rather appealing.

And it rang in her ears once again.

She reached up with both hands to cover her ears.

When she got out of the cab, a familiar voice sounded from behind.

“Stop right there, Ashlyn.”

Ashlyn froze.

What the heck?

Do I seriously have to deal with Penelope this early in the morning?

Before she could say anything, Penelope spoke again, “So it really is you. Don’t think that I’m not allowed to come here today just because you chased me out last night. You do know that I’m an official employee at the hospital, don’t you?”

When Ashlyn turned around and saw Penelope’s repulsive face, she felt incredibly irked. “You can come whenever you please. What does it have to do with me?”

Penelope’s cheek was red and swollen. Even now, it was still throbbing painfully.

Spencer had indeed slapped her good last night.

Penelope couldn’t suppress the anger boiling in her when she thought about this.

Her eyes burned with hatred. “I know exactly what you’re thinking. You just want to inherit Berry Furnishings, don’t you?”

Ashlyn gave her a cold stare. “So?”

“Dad already promised my mom that Berry Furnishings will be mine. Don’t even dream about getting a single dime!” Penelope smugly said. “Hehe! I bet you’re upset. After all, you’re the second daughter of the Berry family, but your mom’s gone, and Dad doesn’t love you. You’re probably hurting a lot now, aren’t you?”

“You just won’t get the right of inheritance, that’s all. You don’t have to be so upset about it. After all, you have a pretty face, right? You can get yourself a sugar daddy or something! Wait, that security captain is your lover, isn’t he?”

“But...To be honest, with the qualities you possess, I’m sure you can find yourself a decent boyfriend. Why did you have to pick a security captain?”

“Is there something wrong with your brain, Penelope?” Ashlyn was disgusted by Penelope’s stupidity.


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