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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Ashlyn’s eyes were brimming with self-confidence as well as disdain for Penelope. “You’ll know soon enough.”

“How dare you curse Dad’s company, Ashlyn!” Penelope’s features contorted with anger as she glared at Ashlyn.

She loved to flaunt her branded bags and clothes in their department. But of course, she couldn’t afford all of those with only her measly salary. It was with the pocket money Horace gave her that she got to enjoy this kind of privilege.

What was she going to do if Horace fell from grace?

How much money could she make as a nurse?

She gritted her teeth and threatened, “Just you wait, Ashlyn. I’ll go home and tell Dad what you said. Let’s see how he’ll punish you!”

She really despised Ashlyn.

Since they were young, she would fade into the background every time Ashlyn was in the same room, serving as her backdrop.

All the boys she fancied would fall head over heels for Ashlyn. She wanted so badly to tear up Ashlyn’s pretty face!

“You can go ahead and whine to him all you like, but you saw what happened last night, right? He was powerless against me. Do you really think that things are still the same as last time, where he’d beat me up whenever you complained about me? Penelope Berry, he can’t lay a finger on me anymore! Not now, and not ever.”

Penelope’s eyes flashed with jealousy. “Let me tell you, Ashlyn. I’m gonna take away Berry Furnishings and all of Dad’s love and attention from you. In fact, I’ll take away everything from you!”

Ashlyn arched a brow and looked at Penelope as if she had grown two heads. A hint of mockery streaked across her indifferent eyes as she said, “What a crazy b****.”

She was not the little girl who longed for her father’s love anymore, nor was she the weak and timid little girl who was always framed by her stepmother and stepsister.

What Penelope assumed was important to Ashlyn was in fact worthless to her since a long time ago.

A father who did not love her was just perfect, since he was already dead to her!

She thought Penelope would at least come up with something more entertaining.

However, it turned out that all she had to say was just a bunch of nonsense which wasted so much of her time.

She swiveled around and was about to leave when she suddenly heard a frigid yet magnetic voice.

“Spencer, how many more slaps do you think we should give her?”

“Five, Mr. Nolan.” Spencer answered respectfully.

The morning sun bathed the man’s tall figure in its glory as he approached Ashlyn in long strides.

His handsome face which looked like it was sculpted by God himself made him seem untouchable to many. Currently, his features were taut and he appeared peeved.

When he was in front of her, he held her hand and said, “If you see rubbish, just tell me and I’ll get rid of it for you.”

Before Ashlyn could react, slapping sounds assaulted her ears.

Each slap was louder than the next.


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