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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 12




“Hey sweetheart, where have you been?” my wife asked once I stepped inside the house. I was surprised to see her around. She said she wouldn’t be able to arrive before the weekend.


But before I could answer her, Vanilla muttered, “Why do you care?”


My wife gazed shockingly, trying to figure out what’s going on. But a heartless mother and very bad wife like her would never discover anything simply because she has no feelings at all. Not for me and not for her only daughter.


“What do you mean Vanilla? Why are you talking to me like that?” My wife stepped closer to Vanilla, asking her innocently as if she had never done anything wrong.


She didn’t do anything good actually. She has been living her own life, selfishly ignoring her daughter’s needs. I remember the hardest time ever for any girl - ‘her first period time’ and she didn’t talk to her before that and she didn’t give her a hint. When that happened to Vanilla at the age of twelve, she came up to the house crying and feeling scared to death from the few stains of blood in her underwear, I was there for Vanilla, not her mother!


I had a wide smirk while commenting on my wife’s attitude. “Why shouldn’t she feel upset and angry at you?! She was sick for more than a week and even when she started to get better, you didn’t call her or come for her! Do you even remember her birthdate?”


Vanilla widened her eyes at my reaction and the way I was talking to her mother. “Dad!”


I raised an eyebrow. “What vanilla? She needs to know that she can’t neglect you or she will die alone. At least she should do her best to make her only daughter love her!” Actually, it wasn’t the first time I said that to my wife. I lost count years ago because she acted like she was deaf and always blamed me for making her daughter love me more than loving her!


She always did that. Blaming others for her own mistakes. She never admits or apologizes for her mistakes. Always acting arrogantly and blindly like a slut.


“Dave! I think you are mad at me, Not vanilla! I’m sorry if I didn’t call the last few days. I was very impor…” My wife was trying to explain her shit to me.


I threw a scoffing smirk but I cut her off. “Oh really? I don’t even care! Don’t skip my question. Tell me now, do you remember the birthdate of Vanilla?” I asked her competitively with a stern tone and she knew me very well that when I do reach that kind of temper, she just can’t say any more crap.



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