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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 13




It took a long time for Vanilla to process the words in her head. She was dumbfounded. I could realize that because it was what happened to me when she asked me  sarcastically in the car a couple of hours ago.


And actually, that was the main reason for me being so quiet at the restaurant all the time. I was thinking of what she had said and it was something that actually should happen sooner or later. I’m not going to waste the rest of my life with a woman I didn’t love anymore and I think I never loved her. She was hot and she was obedient to me and filling my sexual fantasies but that’s all.


I realized that I stayed for Vanilla as a father and when she grew up, I stayed beside her as a man who couldn’t live without his love and now there was no turning back. I love her and she loves me.


I’m not her biological father and if I divorced her mother, I would be able to marry her.


However, I couldn’t rush up things to not make unforgettable mistakes. Vanilla was hooked up and controlled by her love and passion but she didn’t realize that if her mother figured out now, she would never forgive her. That is the most horrible part.


Sometimes we do feel that we hate our parents or that we could live without them but that’s not right; we need them in our life. Sooner or later she might hate me and regret loving me and maybe she will blame me for losing her mother.


That’s why I wanted to wait. I didn’t plan for anything yet.


But hello! She was a teenager! Always pushy and love to rush things.


I came up from my zone when Vanilla screamed shockingly again. “What? Are you serious?”


I blinked and nodded with a serious face. “Yes, I do but we need more time. I need more time to organize everything.” I cupped her cheeks.


She nodded. “Okay, but you should do something to make me believe you.”


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