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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 12


The further away from the house that I got, the more my heart sank, by time I'd reached the apple orchard I felt as though it now found a permeant place in my stomach but I didn't stop running.

Dashing through the forest, I swerve in and out of the trees only slowing when I caught a scent. A very weird scent, but one that was familiar to me from when I first escaped my pack. A hunter, actually hunters, tonnes of them.

Being cautious, I follow the scents until I find myself hiding in bushes watching as at least fifty hunters wander around out the front of a big cabin. It seemed half of them were staying in the cabin while the rest camped out in tents on the land in front of it, keeping myself fully aware of my surroundings, I begin to move from my spot around the perimeter.

When I get to the back of the cabin I discover a small storage shed that had two hunters with guns standing guard outside it, I think back to Malakai telling me about hunters possibly kidnapping one of the vampire's in his clan and realise if they were going to be keeping her anywhere, it would be in there.

Not giving myself a chance to think myself out of it, I silently creep forward toward to two hunters who talk between themselves, completely unaware of my presence. It takes me seconds to tear the two of them apart and shift back, I use all my strength to kick open the door to find a black haired girl, who looks like she couldn't possibly be past her teens and is the spitting image of Josephine.

My breathing slightly accelerates at the thought of her but I ignore the flashes of her face I'd gotten from under the water earlier in the night and run over to the girl who is hanging from the ceiling on chains and has a gag around her mouth that seems to be soaked in something that is burning into her skin, I rip it off her straight away making her whimper.

" I'm sorry about that. " I whisper.

" Who the hell are you? " The girl narrows her green eyes at me, she is definitely related to Josephine.

" My name is Corinna. I'm gonna get you out of here okay? " I whisper to her.

She seems to take a moment to weigh her options then nods. " The chains... They're like indestructible or something. "

Pursing my lips, I look at the chains carefully before reaching my hand up and touching them, instantly I feel the energy humming through them. They're spelled... I've never met a witch who would be willing to help hunters, they hate all supernaturals. I take hold of a chain in each hand, chanting quietly as I drain the magic from them. When energy stops humming, so do I.

Looking up at the girl, I nod my head, signalling for her to try free herself. The chains break from the bolts on the ceiling as soon as she tugs on them, a large grin crosses her face. " I don't really know what you did, but thank you. I'm Olive. "

" No problem, now let's get the hell out of here. " I smile, but it drops the minute we step outside only to bump into another two hunters that have just found their dead friends.

Cursing under my breath, I shift into my wolf running straight for them. This time because there is no element of surprise, it's a little more difficult but I take them down in seconds once more. I drag the four bodies into the shed, then shift back stripping them of random articles of clothing until I'm fully dressed in the torn, bloody clothes.

Using the long sleeve from the dark grey sweater I'm wearing to wipe the blood from around my mouth until I feel it's gone, I wander back out to where Olive is waiting for me. She looks at me in confusion when she takes in my clothes.

" Listen, you need to get out of here and back to your clan. Your sister is looking for you. " I tell her.

" My sister? How do you know Josie? Aren't you coming with me? Are you gonna do something? What are you gonna do? " She speeds through her questions.


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