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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 14


It took me what felt like hours but was only minutes to calm down as I took in deep breaths of the summer air and Malakai's scent. He had dressed me in a dark red knitted jumper belonging to him prior to carrying me away from the house, I clung tightly to him with my face in his chest and my bare legs over his lap, while held me in his arms now sitting down somewhere.

When I fully came back to my senses, I lift my head looking around to find we were swinging back and forth on a black metal bench lined with soft white cushions, that was bolted to the ceiling of a rustic looking stone gazebo surrounded by apple trees, bushes with multicoloured flowers and small strawberry plants. The sky is still dark somehow, the moon is full and shining brightly, accompanied by the stars.

" Where are we? And how is it still dark out? " I whisper.

" We're still on my grounds, just away from the house. And it's still dark because you were passed out for the entire day. " Malakai mumbles back to me, stroking my hair in a calming manner. " Are you going to tell me what happened back there? "

I bite my lip, knowing I'd have to at least somewhat explain my episode. " I.. I've been running from some people..I can't tell you who..and I've had to do somethings that I also can't tell you.. I guess thinking about what Josephine did just.. " My mind is fuzzy as I try to explain, but when I mention Josephine doing something he freezes.

" What did she do? " He asks.

" I.. " I trail off, not knowing what to do.

" Cori, what did she do to you? " He grounds out.

Hesitantly, I bring my eyes up to meet his and I begin to recall her coming into the bathroom. I watch as his blue eyes turn pitch black throughout my telling of what happened, veins move down his under eyes and his fangs make an appearance. Without a word, he gently lifts me off of him to sit me down on the cushion beside him, he then stands up and starts stalking off, my guess is back toward the house.

Jumping to my feet, I rush after him. Within minutes we are back at the house, walking over the stream and up onto the porch, where Malakai swings open the door so roughly that the glass shatters into a million little pieces, earning every vampire's attention in the room.

" Where is she? " He hisses out. " Josephine. WHERE IS SHE?! "

The vampire's surrounding us seem either to flinch at Malakai's anger or take a step back, I on the other hand walk towards him and cautiously place a hand under his shirt and on his back. He relaxes ever so slightly, until she walks into the room laughing about something with Phoenix.

Phoenix notices the shattered glass and furious looking brother first, his laughter coming to a halt immediately. " What's going on, Brother? "

Malakai doesn't answer, instead he is across the room and pinning Josephine to the wall by her neck with such a force that the wall cracks, little bits of dust and stone fall onto the ground, this all happens without anyone having a chance to blink. " How fucking dare you! " he shouts.

Josephine's eyes are wide as her heel covered feet dangle off the ground. " Mal, put me down. " She wheezes out.

" Why would I after what you've done? "

" I don't know what you're talking about. " She tells him.


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