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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 20


Humming loudly, I stretch my body out, my arm accidentally hitting Kai, who is sitting up leaning against the headboard. Around his neck his family ring hangs, laying against his bare chest, the curtains are open in his room and the sun shines through the balcony window brightly as he reads one of the many books from the shelf in his room, a soft summer breeze drifts into the room from the open balcony door.

" Did you sleep well my darling? " Kai asks, watching me intently with his stunning blue eyes.

" I think that's the best sleep I've had in years. " I admit smiling up at him.

It had been a few weeks since I'd given Kai the chain, since then we'd learned a lot about each other and our bond had grown stronger. His clan had now begun to go out of their way to get to know me more and get along with me, as my actions had proven I wasn't going to run off like I did when I first arrived.

Olive and I had become fairly close, along with myself and Dahlia, the latter seemed to please Kai a lot. It made me happy to know that my mates sister enjoyed my company and considered me a friend.

" So Dahlia's birthday is coming up. " Kai tells me as he absentmindedly starts to run his fingers through my hair.

" Do vampires celebrate their birthday? " I ask.

Kai rolls his eyes. " Of course we do Cori. "

" How old is Dahlia anyway? " I question.

" I believe this is her nine hundred and second birthday. "

My eyes widen at this. " Whoa. What do you get for a nine hundred year old vampire on their birthday? "

Kai chuckles. " nine hundred and two, don't worry too much about that, I'll get her something from the both of us. "

Sending him a unamused look, I turn on my side to see him better. " I want to get her something Kai. "

He sighs. " Very well. I'm sure she'll appreciate anything you get for her, she's very fond of you. But the reason I brought all this up is because we'll be throwing her a party. "

" Oh cool! That sounds fun. " I smile at him. I hadn't been to a birthday party in a long time.

" I don't know if I'd call my werewolf beloved being in a room with hundreds of vampires fun. " he grumbles.

" Kai, I'm surrounded by vampires very day of the week. In fact I sleep next to one every night, I think I'll be fine. " I roll my eyes.

" Corinna, some of these vampires have very little control over their blood lust because of how young they are, some of them don't care to control their blood lust and some of them aren't the biggest fans of wolves. " He says, his face stern. " I need you to be careful at the party okay? To stay beside me, Dahlia or Phoenix at all times. "

Pursing my lips at him, I nod my head. " Okay. When is it? "


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