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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 22


Muttering 'excuse me' repeatedly, I continue to have to push my way through the crowds upon crowds of vampires surrounding me until I reach the living room.

The stench of blood overtakes my senses as soon as I step into the room, I take in everything around me and my eyes go wide. Vampires are laughing and talking amongst themselves with wine glasses full to the brim with blood, others are refilling their glasses from large punch bowls or the what is supposed to be a chocolate foundation but instead of chocolate blood flows from it.

But the worst part wasn't any of that, it was the fact that some in the corner of the room where the pool table sits, a group of fifteen or more vampires were feeding on and ripping apart humans.

At their feet lay a pile of bodies, freshly drained bodies with their now soulless eyes staring out at the crowds. There was some still alive, but if they weren't being fed on, they were shackled and standing near by to the group with their heads down.

My eyes land on a young girl who couldn't have been any older than seventeen, her light brown hair is matted with blood and dirt, her terrified hazel eyes stay glued to the floor with tears rapidly falling from them, her pale skin is also covered in blood, dirt , unhealed bite marks and some scars from old bite marks.

A loud growl escapes my chest, I march across the room to them, they now watch me with unimpressed looks on their faces instead of feeding on the humans in their hold.

" Let them go. " I demand.

The group of vampires in front of me instantly start to howl with laughter, as if I'd just told them the funniest joke known to man. " How about you go to your kennel mutt. " One of the men tells me.

" If you don't let them go, I will rip you all apart. " I threaten, choosing to ignore the foolish insult.

An oddly familiar, pale woman with long straight silver hair and brown, nearly black eyes steps out from the group, narrowing her eyes on me as she sniffs the air.

" Why do I recognise that smell.. That scent. " She ponders.

It takes a couple seconds but realisation flashes through her eyes, then misery, then anger and then rage and suddenly black completely covers her eyes, the veins pulse through her face and her fangs extend.

" You. You killed my brother. " She snaps.

Memories of the night I saved Gia flick through my mind, my eyes widen.

" Maria, are you sure? She smells a bit different to the scent. " The man from before pipes up.

" The mark on her neck is enough to explain that Jared. " The woman, Maria points to my neck.

Maria and Jared, move toward me but freeze when Phoenix stands in front of me. " Is there a problem? "


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