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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 38


" Gia! It's so good to see you, how have you been getting on? " I greet her, returning her tight embrace with one to match hers.

" I've been good, I've been getting settled in, getting to know the pack, changing a few things. " she giggles, pulling away from me to send me a sly wink. " And you? I heard you've found your mate! When can I meet him? "

" Uh Malakai is going to be attending a meeting with your mate in the morning, it's too late to be getting into all of that right now. " I inform her. " Is Jack treating you right? "

" Yes, he is. I know you two don't exactly see eye to eye, but he's a wonderful man. " She grins at me.

Instead of keeping the conversation on Jack, I muster up a smile and change the subject, not wanting to get into ' not seeing eye to eye ' being an understatement and a cover up for the fact he tried to get me murdered.

Gia leads me into the kitchen, a couple of warriors who were swapping with night guards pass by us, bowing their head in a respectful manner toward their Luna. " It's good that they have accepted you so well. " I smile at her, but she frowns at me.

" What's that supposed to mean? " She crosses her arms over her chest, leaning back against the counter top while water boils for our cups of tea.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I hold my hands up in mock surrender. " It doesn't mean anything Gia, I'm just glad that no one is treating you differently because you're human. I'm happy for you. "

She sighs, turning her back to me to grab two mugs from the cabinet above her head, setting them down onto the counter top, she tosses two tea bags into a pot nearby. " I'm sorry, It's a touchy subject. " she mumbles, pouring boiling hot water into the pot.

" Why's that? " I ask her curiously, leaning against the wall next to the doorway.

She pulls a small spoon from a drawer next to her to stir the tea bags in the water, letting out a loud huff. " I.. No one has a problem with it really, there's just been a few concerns from some of the pack warriors and honestly, there's been some coming from me too. I'm their Luna, I'm supposed to be strong, to help lead them, protect them, but our weakest omega has more of a chance of doing that than I do. "

" You don't have to be supernatural to be a strong leader Gia. " I tell her, watching as she pours the tea into the mugs, then dumps three spoons of sugar into hers.

" Sugar? " She mutters, I quickly decline and move over to her to take my cup into my hands as she continues to speak. " But I could be. "

" You could be what? " I question, very nervous about where she's going with this.

" Supernatural. If Jack bites me, I could be a wolf too. I could be strong and a good Luna to this pack- " she starts to ramble, but I quickly cut her off.

" Gia, do you know how dangerous that is? Humans rarely survive the bite, not to mention how painful the bite is, let alone the actual shift. " I argue.


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