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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 40


Intertwining my hands together, I lean forward in my seat placing them on top of the long oak table, on the opposite end of the carved table Gia, Alpha Jack, His Beta Cameron and Gamma Garrett along with two pack warriors are seated, all with faces equally as serious as my own. Kai sits next to me with Olive and Mateo on his right, Sabine stands directly behind me while Phoenix sits on my left.

We have been sitting in a meeting for hours, trying to discuss a new peace treaty, equally fair and beneficial to both the pack and Kai's clan. We have now been staying with the pack for almost a week, trying to finalise our agreement but still we find ourselves unable to.

The issues is the pack is overly cautious when it comes to me, unsure whether they can trust not only a clan of vampires but also the hybrid they've heard tales of horror about, things my own pack has spread to influence this exact distrust and disgust toward me.

Probably their way to lessen the numbers of people coming to my aid over the years and adding to the numbers of people to alert them when they come across me, I would assume that was their aim, considering that was exactly what they got.

" Why don't we take a break and regroup in fifteen minutes? " I suggest with a loud sigh. " We've been at this for hours, everyone needs to eat, feed and then we can come back with fresh heads. "

Alpha Jack purses his lips together for a second, then turns and nods toward his people. " That seems like a good idea. "

" Thank God! I've needed to pee for at least ten minutes! " Gia exclaims, jumping to her feet and rushing out of the room, Jack glances her now empty chair with an amused smile on his lip as he shakes his head.

We all exit the room in silence, Kai wraps his arm around my waist, leading me through the house. When the wolves have gone their separate ways, Phoenix, Sabine, Mateo and Olive follow us to mine and Kai's room to stock up on bottled blood we brought with us.

The five of them don't wait to unscrew the bottles, they have been feeding a lot less while staying with the pack, trying to save as much of the blood as possible considering our trip got extended already.

While watching them gulping down the blood, I notice that the smell of it is now oddly appealing to me, my mouth watering at the strong scent of it wafting through the room. When I quickly piece together what the reason for my sudden craving is, I bite down on my bottom lip, my eyes drifting to my mate who runs his tongue over his lips as he finishes feeding.

Subconsciously my hand raises to rest on my lower stomach, I know I need to tell him, and I need to tell him soon before it starts to get far to obvious and he finds out himself. I can't let this be a repeat of when he found out about my hybrid status, but every time I open my mouth to attempt to tell him, all of my fears overwhelm me to the point I find myself speechless.

When I notice Sabine's curious eyes on me, I drop my hand from my slowly growing stomach. I force myself to look away from her, swallowing nervously as I wander over to Kai, leaning into him.

He instantly wraps his arm around me, pressing his lips to my forehead. " Are you alright my darling? " He sends me a smile, tossing the now empty bottle into a small trash can in the corner of the room.

" Yeah, I just need to talk to you about something tonight, if you have the time? " I whisper to him, wrapping my arms around his middle.


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