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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 42


Once Jen is completely satisfied that the baby and I are doing fine, she reminds me to check in with her again before I leave the pack so she can organise some way to see me throughout my pregnancy and then finally allows me to go see Gia.

When I enter the room, Jack is sitting in a chair next to her bed, grasping her hand while she sits in the bed looking like she has more energy and colour back in her face, she's mumbling away to Jack, seemingly reassuring him that she'll make it through all of this and be okay.

" How are you feeling? " I ask, bringing her reassurances to a halt as her eyes meet mine.

" Better, thank you. " She sends me a quick smile, before turning to Jack. " Could you give us a minute? " She mumbles to him.

Jack looks between us, nodding his head once. After placing a kiss onto Gia's cheek, he leaves us alone in the room. I look over at her, my curiosity clear on my face. She looks down at her hands as she fiddles with the yellow blanket draped over her, after a few seconds her eyes fall on mine.

" Listen Corinna.. I.. Well.. I wanted to say sorry for how I've been acting toward you, I've been a right bitch and after what you did today, helping to defend the pack, I couldn't not apologise and tell you how thankful I am to you, you know, just in case I don't.. " she says, looking back down at the blanket as she trails off at the end.

I quickly move across the room, placing myself on the edge of her bed to take her hand. " All that doesn't matter, what matters is that you rest for tonight. I'll be there with you every step of the way, I'll help you get through this. " I promise her, squeezing her hand.

" I'm terrified. " She whispers, she watches me through tearful eyes.

I nod my head, running my thumb across the back of her hand, in a lame attempt to soothe her. " I know but you're strong Gia, you just need to believe that you can do this. Now I'm going to let you rest and spend time with Jack, I'll see you later tonight. "

After sending her a reassuring smile, I exit the room, letting Jack know he can go back into her now. As he's about to re enter the room, he pauses and calls out to me. " Thank you, for helping us. Perhaps, I was too quick to judge you. "

He leaves me alone in the hallway not giving me an opportunity to reply, when I get outside the hospital I spot Kai making his way over to me, I update him on how Gia is doing and reassure him that I got checked by the doctor and am fine as we head back to the pack house.

We go straight to our room when we arrive, my nerves bubble in my stomach at the realisation this is probably the only chance I'll get before everything turns to chaos again, to tell him.

While Kai shuts the bedroom door behind himself, I drop down onto the edge of the bed, he wanders over to the closet to change into more comfortable clothes, my hand slides into the pocket of my cardigan, where the folded and now very crumpled photo from my scan is still tucked away.

" Kai? " I call, causing him to pause before he can remove his jeans. " We should probably have that talk now, considering we won't have the chance later and I think if I leave it much longer I'll work myself up again and fail to do it. "


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