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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Late at night, the atmosphere in the old Smith family's home was filled with chatter as they gathered for dinner.

The current head of the family, Edward Smith, had three sons: George, Richard, and Andrew.

George had two children named Stellah and Samuel, while Richard had two children named Stacey and Liam.

Andrew, the least favored son, had a daughter named Sandra, who was the youngest grandchild and the most despised among them all due to her father's lack of favor with the Smith family elders and her mother's unknown lineage.

Sandra had been raised by a close friend of the late former head of the Smith family for more than eighteen years. She had only returned two years ago, following the friend's death under mysterious circumstances. Since her return, Sandra's cousins and nephews had never shown her any respect or regard. However, she endured their mistreatment, not wanting to cause trouble for her beloved parents who adored her despite not raising her themselves.

While they were enjoying their supper, they heard what sounded like voices outside their home. Curious, Edward asked the maid about the commotion. The maid replied, "The Anthony family is here to meet with you." Edward was surprised but allowed them to enter the house.

After finishing their meal, Edward led the family, followed by his favorite sons and grandchildren, into the sitting room. They found the Anthony family sitting in their chairs, looking around with a mix of awe and disdain for the opulent surroundings.

Edward inquired, "What brings you here?"

William, the personal assistant of Levy Anthony, the youngest scion of the Anthony family, spoke up. "We are here for the marriage agreement between our families."

This revelation shocked the Smith family, particularly the younger generation, who had no knowledge of any marriage contract between their family and the impoverished Anthony family, especially after Levy Anthony took over. He was known as a good-for-nothing man with no assets to his name. The idea of such a marriage alliance, particularly with Levy, was unimaginable to them.

Edward looked at his favorite granddaughters and couldn't bear the thought of them sacrificing their future by marrying into the Anthony family. Stellah, the eldest granddaughter, who was already engaged to Mark Jackson from one of the wealthy families in City A, spoke up, "Grandpa! I can't marry Levy Anthony because I am engaged to Mark."

Stacey, who was currently in her second year of university, working as an actress, and dating the boss of Eza Entertainment Company, chimed in, "Grandpa, I have a future to look after. Besides, I am in a committed relationship with Jack. We are planning to get engaged soon. This agreement was made by two deceased members of our family. It holds no weight."


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