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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Both George and Richard couldn't sacrifice their beloved daughter because it's their ticket to the upper class, especially now that they're dating rich men.

Even Old Man Smith couldn't let his favourite granddaughters marry Levy Anthony, but he also couldn't let the smith property be given away to those poor stinking people. So he gazed at Sandra with cold eyes and disdain, as if she were his enemy rather than his grandchild.

"What are the conditions for you to marry and leave this family for good?"

She looked at him for a second, then laughed out loudly, as if mocking them, and she told him, "don't worry grandpa, I wasn't planning on staying in this family even more letting my parents stay here," which surprised the Smith family, who looked at each other before looking at her and asking her conditions.

Her aunts, wives, and nephews were the happiest because they believed they would be lead by their bad boy brother and couldn't wait to see what he would do once he was no longer a member of the Smith family.

" Sandra, come down, don't rush to make a decision that involves your future, you can't just decide like that, I know I'm not the best father to you or the best husband to your mother since I've let you suffer for so long, but I can't let you ruin your future like that and will do all in my power to get you back to school. I promise you that dad will make it happen, so don't ruin your life."

She looked at her father, who was about to cry, and her mother, who was already crying, and told them not to worry since being married isn't the worst thing in the world, and furthermore, what's the difference?

"The difference now is that you are still younger and you are marrying someone you don't know, it's not about him being poor, but marriage is built on love, trust, respect, and friendship," her father answered.

"Well, it doesn't matter because I've already decided, and besides, if he's a jerk, there's always divorce," so they should relax because the agreement doesn't indicate they shouldn't divorce, and her parents calmed down a little after hearing that.

She turned to her grandparents and said,

"I want you to break the agreement you have with my father that he must work for the Smith company, and then pay him all the money he demands from the company and let us leave the Smith family household."

“If you can do that, I'm willing to marry; if you can't, just wait for your favourite granddaughters' futures to be ruined and their prospects of marrying into a wealthy family to be ruined, because people will know you don't want to keep your words. You have five minutes to decide since I don't have all day to wait for you."

Old Smith looked at Sandra as if she had grown two heads and thought: Was she always stupid or was she just playing dumb? He didn't want to admit it, but if he let Andrew go, the company would collapse, especially now that his grandson was a loser who just wanted to enjoy being with women in bars all day, but he also couldn't imagine if his favorite granddaughter was married to a useless man like Levy Anthony,

and more importantly, they were now associated with the Jackson family and Ezza Entertainment, one of the best entertainment companies in City A after Dramatic Entertainment.


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