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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Around eight years ago, the Anthony family abruptly departed from City A, coinciding with Levy Anthony assuming leadership of the family. The circumstances surrounding their departure were shrouded in mystery, leading many to speculate that they had faced financial ruin and chose to leave in order to escape the shame. At that time, the Anthony family held a prominent position in City A, making their sudden disappearance all the more intriguing.

However, those with a discerning mindset understood that simultaneous to the Anthony family's vanishing act, a new family bearing the Anthony name emerged in the capital. This family swiftly gained momentum and within a span of two years, surpassed all other esteemed families in terms of power and influence.

Throughout those eight years, the Anthony family remained untouchable and enigmatic. Their secrecy extended to the point where even the location of their family residence remained unknown. Nobody could ascertain the age or gender of the family's head; all that was certain was their reputation for being ruthless and their unwavering ability to see their decisions carried out.

With a sense of anticipation, she expressed, "I can't wait to meet your family," before pulling the covers and settling down to sleep. Both Levy and Sandra, however, found themselves unable to sleep as they lay next to each other, pretending to doze off. Surprisingly, the comfort they felt in each other's presence led them both to eventually drift into a peaceful slumber. They hadn't expected to feel so at ease with one another on their very first day of meeting and embarking on their married life.

The following morning, at the Smith family residence, members of the Smith, Jackson, and Eza families gathered around the breakfast table. The Smith family had extended an invitation to their guests as a gesture of apology for the previous day's events.

As they enjoyed their meal, a maid interrupted to report the arrival of an investigator who had something important to discuss with the patriarch of the Smith family. Curiosity flickered in the eyes of everyone present, including the Jackson and Eza families, as they wondered what could have prompted such an eager response from the Smith family. The air was filled with anticipation, and the breakfast conversation briefly paused.

Old man Smith exchanged glances with the Jackson and Eza families before addressing them, "I apologize for interrupting your breakfast, but there is an urgent matter that requires our attention." With that, he motioned for the investigator to enter the room, signaling the start of a potentially revealing and significant conversation.

Upon entering the room, the investigator greeted everyone present, then directed a questioning gaze towards old man Smith, seeking his approval to divulge the information in front of the entire family and in-laws. Old man Smith, understanding the significance of the matter, reassured the investigator that it was acceptable to share the details, as the present members were all family and would eventually come to know the truth.

With everyone's attention focused on him, the investigator began discussing his findings regarding Levy Anthony's background. He revealed, "It is believed that Levy Anthony assumed leadership of the Anthony family eight years ago. However, following his ascension, the entire Anthony family disappeared from City A. Their whereabouts have remained a mystery, as there have been no traces or sightings of them in the past eight years."


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