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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Amidst the conversation, even their wives and sons were consumed by their own thoughts. Jane, who harbored feelings for Andrew, couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of jealousy towards Matilda. "If Sandra becomes the wife of the head of the richest family in City A, won't Matilda mock her?" The thought of that scenario was unbearable for Jane, and she was determined not to let it happen.

Jane turned to old man Smith, her father, and implored him, "Dad, we need clarity on whether the investigator's words are true. We can't continue living in uncertainty. If it turns out to be true, we must find a way to separate that undeserving Sandra from Levy." Little did she know that even Levy himself might find it challenging to distance himself from Sandra if she had a genuine interest in him.

"Why does everything seem to favor Matilda and her daughter?" Jane questioned in frustration. "She's just a poor orphan with no significant family background. What makes her daughter more deserving than mine?"

George interjected, curious and somewhat defensive. "Who said that the Anthony family was poor or that Levy Anthony was unattractive? Mom, I thought you don’t want our daughter to have a good life." Richard interjected, reminding George, "Don't forget that she's engaged to marry the son of the Jackson family."

George hesitated for a moment before responding, realizing the complexities of the situation.

"whose is not engaged eeh".

Engulfed in their own greed and animosity, the Smith family continued to hurl insults at each other, oblivious to the presence of the Jackson and Eza families who observed their deplorable behavior. Even the investigator was taken aback by the depths of their avarice.

Noticing the discomfort among the Jackson family members, Stellah, with a heavy heart, couldn't bear the situation any longer. She gathered the courage to interject, pleading with her father and uncle, "Dad, Uncle, please stop this. I love my fiancé, and the wealth or status of the Anthony family means nothing to me. Whether Levy Anthony is rich or poor, handsome or ugly, it doesn't matter." Despite her words, Stellah's heart was filled with sorrow and anguish, but she tried her best to conceal her true feelings.

Upon hearing Stellah's heartfelt declaration, Mark's happiness soared. He was overjoyed to realize that Stellah truly cared for him and not just the wealth associated with his family. When they returned home, Mark excitedly informed his family to expedite the wedding preparations.

However, Mark's parents cautioned him about the true nature of the Smith family, urging him to reconsider his decision before it was too late. They expressed their belief that Stellah and her family were driven solely by the Jackson family's power and wealth, devoid of any genuine feelings.


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