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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46

The next day Sandra woke up by the sound of water from the bathroom, she could not believe it that she slept the whole night without waking up, she did not even here when Levy when Levy came back to their room nor when he joined her in their bed. She blushed at the thought of their bed. It has been long ever since she had a peaceful night like yesterday. She wondered to herself, “was it because of Levy that she was able to sleep without care?”, she felt so relieved when she woke up.

Levy came from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he found Sandra sitting on their bed looking lost in her thought. She her was touching on her thin as if she was trying to solve something, he couldn’t help himself but chuckle. that made her to look at him.

Seeing him all naked only towel around that if it fell down she may she his godly given suit. She cursed him under her breath and shouted at him, you bustard can’t you come out the bathroom dressed, aah my poor eyes this morning after that she run in the bathroom. Hearing her cursing him Levy laughed out loud and said loud for her to hear from the bathroom, good morning wife I hope you had a good night and the best morning view from your husband, and why are you scared of seeing your husband in towel soon or later you will see it. So what’s the differences if you see it now.

Sandra shouted from the bathroom, “Levy! How can you be so shameless” though she said that she was blushing at the thought of seeing Levy naked. She hard a quick shower since she was already late for school. going down she found Levy already prepared their breakfast, he told her lets have our breakfast I will send to school. she was wondering how can Levy be this fine when all she has been thinking of was his naked body. She cursed herself and said, ‘concentrate Sandra his your husband no need to think about all day”.

After breakfast he sent her to the gate immediately after she got down from she binds her goodbye to him, he told her that he will pick her up in the evening and drove away. He has a lot of things on his plate, his organizing a party to announce the return of the Anthony family, at the same time checking on their business he has been out of City A for eight years yes he has trusted subordinates but that doesn’t stop the Anthony family from causing trouble for him especially his cousin and uncle.

He was planning on giving the city A branch to them but they are getting on his nerves. When Sandra arrived in her class she found Deborah and Natasha waiting for her at the class entry, when Deborah so her, she jumped on her and said, “well, well, my sister in law look how grow your just for a day with my brother what will happen if it’s a year”. Sandra just rolled her eyes at her, and said let’s get in the class it’s already late. She replied, “yah, yah, how can I forget we have class right now, Natasha let’s go, after that she turned to Sandra, sister in law tell me how was your first day at your home with my brother, I’m I going to be an untie soon” , when Sandra heard her words her face blushed as she remembered how good looking Levy Anthony body is, seeing her ear turn red Deborah posed in her walk and said, “wait sister in law don’t tell me you and my brother did it”, Sandra couldn’t help herself but say you and your brother are really sibling, you all have dirty minds.


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