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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

She will make sure she regrets meeting her in this world even if it’s the last thing she do she will make sure she destroys Sandra Smith. Sandra, Deborah and Natasha ordered their lunch and waited for it to come, Deborah started her drama again, “sister in law you scared me just now you know, your face just changed like my brother, you too really deserve each other”. ‘you’re met to be”, Sandra smiled when she heard Deborah say that they were met to be she didn’t know when she became interest in Levy Anthony, was it when she promised him to give a chance to their marriage or when she first saw him.

Natasha on the other hand recovered from her shock this was the first time she saw Sandra losing her temper and warn someone, most time she will just let it be and move on for example the past month a lot of students from class A, were saying a lot of bad thing about her and her husband but she never answered them back or tried to prove them wrong so when she threatened Stacey in a very serious way it made her see another side of her.

Seeing how scared she was, Sandra said don’t be scared of me I usually not this scary to my friends the waiter brought their lunch. After eating they went back to their class to finish their day.

What happened in the restaurant was soon upload on the school forum, all the student saw how scary Sandra was and how scared Stacey was, they began to wonder did Stacey lie about Sandra’s parents stealing money, what really happened you know they like gospel especially that involves rich people.

The bell rag that indicated the end of their lesson, Deborah walked Sandra to the gate she found her brother already waiting for Sandra, she told him, “excuse me brother I would like to have a word with you”, she’s usually well behaved when facing her brother. Levy looked at Sandra, seeing that Sandra excused herself, “I will be waiting in the car you can have your time”, with that she left, after Sandra left Levy said, ‘whatever you are going to tell me it better be serious otherwise you may not get your monthly allowance this time”. Deborah fought the argue to roll her eyes at him and said, “this Sunday it’s my sister in law’s twentieth birthday me and Natasha are planning on surprising her are you going to join us”.

Hearing that this Sunday Sandra will be officially twenty, Levy was both happy and disappointed in himself, he couldn’t believe that he forgot such an important day of his wife’s life but he thanked God for giving him a beautiful sister at least she remembered something important for once.

He told her, “starting this month I will be doubling your monthly allowance, don’t worry I was planning for us to have a family dinner on Sunday I guess it will be good to use that time to surprise her, she will not find out and thank Natasha for me and invite her to also join us, I will inform her parents don’t worry”.


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