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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Stacey was smiling until she heard her mother’s question she couldn’t help but roll her eyes she was angry with her stupid questions always and say, “mum can’t I just be happy if the matter is not related to Jake and to answer your question no he has not proposed to me okay so kindly leave me in peace”. Her grandmother called her, “Stacey!!, is that the way you talk to your mother, where are the manors we taught you”, she replied, “exactly grandma she’s my mother not yours so I can talk to her the way I want and you never taught me how to behave so kindly don’t start now it’s too, anyway I’m going to take a rest I had a long day you destroyed my happiness”.

With that she went to her room leaving everyone in the room shocked they could not believe Stacey can answer back to the old lady like that. Stellah on the hand was so happy seeing Stacey becoming the old woman’s enemy she knew how she does her thing, she put on the obedient daughter/granddaughter faced as said, “grandma let her be may she hard a stressful day she will come around by tomorrow”.

“Don’t take it to your heart, it’s nothing”. Jane, Stacey’s said, “Stellah can you stop pretending I know you are happy to see your cousin behaving rudely, I know you want to still my daughter’s place”. Melinda Stellah’s mum who usually keeps quite said, “Jane don’t you think you have crossed the boundary I’m not Matilda who will sit and see her daughter and husband humiliated I’m not a nice person and we both know that so don’t make me your enemy leave my daughter alone it’s not her fault that you can’t put manor in her so my dear sister in law don’t make angry if you make my daughter cry or insult her I will make sure you and your daughter leave to regret having met me”.

After that she excused herself and took her daughter who was crying up, old man just shook his head to show his disappoint, he felt so weak, these past weeks since Andrew left, they have never had peace. It was as if Andrew and his family were the source of their happiness. He has to make sure Andrew comes back before the remaing peace in the family gets destroyed, even if it met to kneel and apologize to his stupid wife and daughter.

He remembered Sandra’s words, “when we leave here even if you beg us we will not come back, it will be too late for you”. He wondered to himself, “did she know Levy’s status that’s why she agreed to marry him without second thought”, but he wondered how could that be possible she’s nothing then how come she can know something like that unless there’s more to know that what he sees.

His private investigator gave the same information he got the first time she returned to the smith family, he did not believe it but he had no way to prove his intuition. He went to his bed thinking of everything that hard happen to the smith family.

When the old woman came, she saw her husband lost in his thought, she came closer to him and asked, “what are you thinking of don’t take what happened down seriously they will come around, we are family after all”.


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