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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Sandra asked,” then what is the case”, this time the entire class busted into laughter’s even Debora and Natasha laughed they have never seen someone who doesn’t care of what to know like her, if it was them they would be panicking searching for their phones to go on the school forum to see what was happening but for her she remained unmoved as if the person involved in this matter was not her.

They wondered what does it take to be as calm as her, Deborah replied, “the words on the video are saying that you sell yourself to old men even though you are married and that’s how you survive”. She replied with an aww, as if what they said didn’t matter to her or she was not the one involved in the case.

Deborah torched her head and said, “sister in law this matter is about your reputation how can you act as if you don’t care”. She asked her, “since when did I care about people’s opinion on my life, just relax it’s nothing but thank you for caring”.

Deborah looked at her for minutes wondering which kind of person did her brother marry? she’s way too out of this world. But she said to herself again, “how can she be normal when her brother himself is not normal”. She replied her, “okay, my brother told me we will be having a family lunch on Sunday, I just hope it’s at your places so that I get to see it” she said as if she didn’t know what was going on.

She smiled and said, “you should tell that to your brother he is the one organizing this lunch but don’t worry I will organize a girl’s day out at our home next week of course Natasha you’re welcome to join us”. She said, “thank you both you really made me feel loved and appreciated you are the first friends I have got in years”.

When her classmate saw that Sandra didn’t care about the news that what going on, on the school platform they were relived even though they just met her, she’s someone who doesn’t cause trouble to anyone unless you provoked her, and even if you did she may not answer you back, for example class A, has been spreading rumors of her family cheating money, and her marrying an ugly man with nothing she never answered them back. In fact, she did not give them time.

Even now when her reputation was at stick, she did not care about it which made them wonder what kind of classmate were they blessed with, under no circumstance can she lose her composer. They sigh in their hearts and when on with their books they want to join capital university and good enough Sandra has been helping them the past month which made them improve.

Next week they will be doing their end of month exams for the first time they’re excited for the exams, they want to test them self because the end of the semester exams will come from the capital university and will be marked by the professors from the capital university.


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