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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120

When some sounds of coughing rang out, a few female staff members in the pantry were so shocked that they trembled.

As they slowly turned back, they saw Adina standing behind them with the ghost of a smile. Clearly, she heard what they had just said.

At that moment, they felt extremely fortunate for not talking smack about Adina. If Dew heard them discuss her like that behind her back, they would get fired.

“Miss… Miss…” The female staff members stammered. They did not know how to address Adina.

Aaron was Mr. Daugherty, and Dew was Ms. Daugherty, but how should they refer to Adina?

“Why don’t you call me Ms. Daugherty?” Adina smiled faintly. “I’ll be the Customer Service Department’s manager later on.” After she said that, the female staff members looked at each other in confusion.

They had also heard about the bet between Adina and the shareholders. Boyd Corporation was a multinational conglomerate. They always collaborated with foreign companies and never chose the local ones.

Daugherty Corporation was very well-developed in Sea City, but it did not match Boyd Corporation’s standards.

Intending to collaborate with Boyd Corporation in three days was even more difficult than going to the moon.

Yet, Adina had actually started to imagine herself becoming the Customer Service Department’s manager.

People on the site subconsciously sighed for her.

Adina was not aware of it. She leaned on the door frame and casually said, “It’s going to be lunchtime. Let me treat you guys to lunch.” “Isn’t that inappropriate, Ms. Daugherty?” “Junior staff like us should just eat in the canteen.”


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