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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Dew had a headache due to all of Aaron’s nagging

The project did not fail because of her. Why did he let her take the blame for everything?

“Isn’t it just a client? Winters Corporation is worth ten small clients like that,” she said impatiently

“The project with Winters Corporation only starts after three years. Don’t bring it up again!” Aaron paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. He frowned and said, “Oh yeah, how’s it going with Boyd Corporation? Today is the second day. Has Adina looked for the person in charge of Boyd Corporation?” Dew massaged her forehead. “When I came to the company this morning, I heard that Adina was here too. I don’t know why she was around.”.

Aaron tapped on the table and coldly said, “If she really can secure the contract with Boyd Corporation, I might give her another chance.” When Dew heard that, she was shocked.

Give Adina another chance?

What did he mean?

Would he really let Adina work in Daugherty Corporation?

If Adina joined the company, she would need to keep her eye on Adina all the time. She would not be able to spare any attention for her own work!

Adina would also steal her status as the heiress one day.

Dew moved her mouth and wanted to say something, but she gave up.

Aaron was also Adina’s father. It was better for Dew to discuss her problems with her mother. Dew reported some things related to work before she left the CEO’s office. As soon as she arrived downstairs, she saw Adina walking out of the Finance Department.

The sisters met in the long, narrow corridor.

Adina smiled faintly. “Dew, did you not sleep well?”


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