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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Everyone was also curious about why Boyd Corporation would choose to collaborate with the Jones family.

Adina glanced at everyone in the meeting room with her beautiful eyes before she tapped open her phone and played a recording. “Mr. Arison, the internal situation in Daugherty Corporation is actually terrible. The superiors there love to frame big clients, and they like big companies like yours. If you sign the contract with Daugherty Corporation, it will bring an unestimated loss to Boyd Corporation.”

When she played the recording, people in the meeting room were lost.

However, as it continued to play and the recording reached the part about the defamatory behavior of Daugherty Corporation’s superiors, everyone in the room looked angry. “That’s absolute nonsense!” Mr. Lawson slammed the table and got up. “Adina, where did you get that recording from?”

Adina seemed nonchalant. “You have to ask Dew.”

Everyone looked at Dew at the same time.

Dew bit her bottom lip in disbelief.

Others had no idea, but she knew that the voice in the recording belonged to her assistant.

She did not have time to think about why Adina would have a recording of her assistant and Mr. Arison because everyone in the meeting room was staring at her.

She clenched her fists tightly while she slowly said, “Adina, I’d like to know what happened regarding this recording too. Why did someone slander our image in front of Mr. Arison?”

Adina chuckled. “Dew, don’t you recognize your assistant’s voice?”

She got up, and her voice gradually became stern. “To stop Boyd Corporation from working with Daugherty Corporation, you sent your assistant to slander Daugherty Corporation in front of Mr. Arison. That’s why Boyd Corporation chose to collaborate with the Jones family in the end!”


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