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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Dew’s explanation seemed extremely hilarious now that there was Mr. Arison’s Instagram post

Mr. Arison was the CEO of Boyd Corporation’s Sea City branch, and he was also the person whom many businessmen in Sea City wanted to seek connections with.

A person with such a status would not collude with Adina to make a fake Instagram post.

Everyone in the meeting room looked at Dew with a more judgmental gaze.

“Ms. Dew, does this mean that you really sent your assistant to lie to Mr. Arison about Daugherty Corporation’s reputation?”

Dew clenched her fists tightly. She let out a long sigh and said, “I didn’t… My assistant did it on her own. It has nothing to do with me…”

It was a weak explanation.

Mr. Lawson and Mr. Porter, who were the biggest shareholders , revealed disappointment in their eyes.

“Even if my assistant didn’t treat Mr. Arison to a meal, Boyd Corporation would still never collaborate with Daugherty Corporation.” Dew grasped at the last straw and said, “You can’t blame my assistant for being the reason that this collaboration failed!”

As long as the collaboration was not successful, Adina would not be allowed to join the Board of Directors!

However, at that moment, the phone on the meeting room table vibrated.

Adina broke into a faint smile. “Mr. Arison is calling.”

She pressed the answer button, and a clear voice came from the other end of the line. “Ms. Daugherty, the digital contract is attached in a file. I just sent the information about the project to your email. Please check and verify that you’ve received it.”


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