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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Adina brought the two kids into the ward. The gloomy Harold jumped happily

“Aunt Adina, I love you so much! I was just missing you, and you came with Mel. I’m so happy!”

Adina smiled and said, “Alden suggested that we visit you. He’s worried that you’re too lonely.”

Harold pouted in suspicion “That’s impossible. He likes to bully me the most. Why would he suggest visiting me?”

“It’s true.” Adina stroked his head and lowered her voice “Actually, Alden’s very worried about you, but he’s shy, so he doesn’t show it.”

Harold secretly looked up, just in time to look Alden in the eyes

Alden did not avoid Harold’s stare. “As long as you like my sister, I can try to like you too,” he said indifferently.

“I don’t care if you like me!”

Harold turned around awkwardly However, his ears had tumed red. Clearly, he was in a pretty good mood Alden sat down by the bed, looked down, and asked, “Where’s your Dad? Why isn’t be in the hospital?

“He said that he would come and keep me company in the afternoon, but who knows when he’ll finish his work,” Harold said with a pout.

Alden raised his wrist and cast a glance at the time. Then, he remained silent.

“Young Master, lunch is here!

At this time, Mr. Browni walked in with a lunch box.

When he saw that Adina was there, he grinned and said, “Ms. Daugherty. you finally came The young master talked about you last night!

“Papa Brown, hurry up!” Harold said excitedly “This is Mel, the girl I told you about. Isn’t she extremely adorable and pretty


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