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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204

He had always thought all that was nonsense Right then, he finally realized that they had been partially right Ms. Daugherty had given birth to a pair of twins, not stillborns.

The boy was obedient, and the girl was beautiful. They were easy on the eyes! Mr Brown stared at Alden for a while before he was suddenly taken aback again

Why did this boy look exactly like the master when he was little? The boy’s imposing manner as he sat in the chair was a replica of the master’s

Oh gosh!

He must be too old, and his sight must have become blurry for him to have such a misperception

Mr. Browni shook his head strongly to get rid of the ridiculous mistake. Then, he squatted down, grinned, and said, “You’re Alden, right? Can I call you ‘Young Master Alden?** Alden politely replied, “You can call me Alden.”

You’re such a good boy. Come, I’ll give you some candy” Mr. Browni took out plenty of fruit Candies from his pocket. These were the items that he would usually use to coax Harold

However, Alden shook huis head. “Thank you, Mr. Brown, but I don’t eat candy.”

When Mr. Brown talked to Alden, he kept sensing an invisible force of oppression, and it felt similar to when he talked to Young Master George

This boy seemed obedient and well-behaved. Mr. Brown wondered why he had such a feeling

He shook his head before he coaxed Melody with the candies

The little girl usually did not like candy, but she actually made an exception and picked up a candy today She even put it into her pocket.

Adina’s smile grew gentler


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