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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Duke went tothe bathroom, got a wet towel, and came over. He stood by the bed, leaned forward, and whispered, “I‘ll help you lower the temperature.”

When he extended his arm, the smell of his musk grew stronger.

Adina‘s pupils immediately constricted.

She curled up her body and kept moving to the corner of the bed.

She picked up a pillow and threw it over before she fearfully said, “Don‘t come over. Don‘t touch me. Get out! Get out right now! Don‘t touch me!”

Her gaze was full of desire, but she also looked terrified.

Duke pursed his lips. “I won‘t do anything to you. I just want to make you feel better.”

His voice helped sober Adina up a little.

It was Duke!

It was not that devil from five years ago!

Her voice trembled as she said, “Mr. Winters... can you... send me... to the hospital?”

Duke frowned as he felt upset with himself.

How could he forget that they could go to the hospital?

He had actually allowed himself to be misled by that unreliable b*stard, Trent.

He took off his coat before he replied in a deep voice, “Put this on. I’ll carry you down the cruise ship.”

Adina reached out to pick up the coat.


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