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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 234


Chapter 234 “Mom, why does your voice sound so strange?” “I ate some spicy food just now, so my throat‘s a bit dry. I‘ll end the call here. I‘ll call you back later, okay?” “Okay, Mom.” After Adina hung up, she ļay directly in the seat. The tip of her tongue was bleeding because of her bite, and the smell of blood slowly filled her oral cavity.

Duke looked at her through the rear–view mirror, and he could feel a slight pain spreading through his heart. His heart was hurting. Was this a heartache?

He drove in silence and stepped on the accelerator to the maximum.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of the hospital. Meanwhile, Adina had already lost consciousness. A trickle of blood dripped from her lips.

She was beautiful, and the trickle of blood only made her look more alluring.

Duke seemed to be bewitched.

When he bent down and carried her, his lips unintentionally brushed against hers and made contact with the blood.

The blood tasted metallic yet sweet.

It caused the emotions in his heart to quickly grow.

Some of the emotions that he had buried in the depths of his heart instantly grew into a big tree.

Adina was sent into the emergency room for a gastric lavage. Duke stood in the corridor, and his gaze was profound. In the first twenty years of his life, he had never cared about anyone. The two boys, who had appeared out of nowhere, were the first people he had ever cared about.

However, the kids had a biological tie with him, so he was naturally protective of them. But what about Adina? Why would he fall for her?

It was not a temporary interest or an impulse Why would he have such affection for her? Why would it be so strong?

Duke sat outside the emergency room for half an hour before Adina was pushed out.

A nurse pushed Adina into the ward and gave her an infusion before the doctor gave Duke

instructions. “Once she becomes conscious, she can only drink water. Prepare some food like oatmeal for her after twelve hours.” Duke nodded. “Does she need to stay in the hospital tonight?” “She had an overdose, so she has to receive an infusion for a night in the hospital. She can be discharged tomorrow in the morning.”


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