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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276 The little girl jumped down from the couch and held Alden‘s hand. Although she did not speak, her demeanor made it obvious.

Alden held her hand and walked outside while he said, “You should stay away from the Winters brothers.”

Melody pursed her lips and said in an extremely soft voice, “George...”

Alden trembled.

When Melody spoke for the first time, she had called Duke “Dad.” When she spoke for the second time, she had also called Duke “Dad.”

It was her third time speaking, but she was uttering George‘s name.

It had only been Melody and George‘s first real meeting. Just one meeting was enough for George to enter her world?

He took a deep breath and said in a lower voice, “George and Harold are biological siblings, so Dew is also George‘s mother.”

As soon as he said that, he saw Melody instantly lose all her energy like a deflated balloon.

She was like a blooming orchid in the valley that instantly wilted and lost its scent.

At that moment, Alden regretted it.

Someone else had finally entered her world, but he had burst her bubble and exposed the truth.

Melody had already pushed Harold away.

Now, she had also pushed George out of her closed world because of what Alden had said.

“Get into the car. I‘ll send you back.”


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