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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Adina casually contradicted Ruby, and the woman’s expression changed several times before she flashed her a smile again. “Addy, why did you come back alone? Where are your kids?” she asked.

Mdm. Daugherty walked out with a walking stick and looked at Adina’s back with her haggard eyes. She felt a little disappointed as she said, “You didn’t come back with the kids?”

As she grew older, she began to enjoy the liveliness of being surrounded by children. She had even prepared some presents for the children.

Adina smiled faintly and helped Mdm. Daugherty to sit down. She tucked her hair behind her ear before she nonchalantly said, “My kids are afraid of strangers. I’ll bring them back next time. Grandma, are you feeling better now?” Mdm. Daugherty coughed and said, “It’s the same old problem. I’m just holding on.” Adina glanced around and did not see Dew.

She looked down and leisurely asked, “Where’s Dew? Why don’t I see her around?”

“Dew has been practicing the piano recently. An expert has recognized her talent, so she’s joined a world tour overseas,” Ruby said proudly. “Dew is very skilled in playing the piano. Her teacher says that after this world tour, Dew will become the top young pianist in the country, and her future will be bright.” Adina curled her lips into a sneer.

The Daugherty family had sent her and Dew to piano lessons in the past. They had learned from the same teacher and attended the same classes. Nobody knew Dew’s level better than her.


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