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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Duke did not expect her to agree so easily. He smiled faintly. “Okay/” From the passenger seat at the back, George asked, “Dad, are we going to the preschool and pick up Mel?”

“Yeah. We’ll go and pick up Mel and Alden.” Duke turned sideways. “If you don’t want to go, you can get out of the car now.”

George found himself speechless. Did he look like he did not want to go? “I’ve finished work already. I’m coming along,” George gloomily said. The car was slowly driven out. George turned sideways and looked out the windows at the scenery that passed quickly, while he felt more and more gloomy. He did not know what feeling he was experiencing. It irked him to no end. Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the preschool. There were still five minutes before the preschool was dismissed. After Ava hung up on a call, she walked to Alden, smiled, and said, “Alden, your mom just called me. She said she has something to do tonight, so she is not free to come and pick you and Mel up.” Alden obediently said, “It’s okay. Mel and I can take a bus.” Ava chuckled and said, “Alden, you really look like a little grown-up. You’re brilliant and thoughtful, but your mom also doesn’t feel comfortable letting you and Mel take the bus home alone, so she purposely had Uncle Duke come and pick you up!” Alden was stunned for a while. “Uncle Duke?”

“Yes, it’s Uncle Duke. He seemed to have come to the preschool last time.” Ava’s face blushed.

When Tyson pretended to be Alden and Melody’s father last time, it was this Mr. Winters who had brought a lawyer and chased Tyson away. Mr. Winters’ features and appearance were totally unforgettable.

She wondered what the relationship between these two kids and Mr. Winters was.

“Ring!” When the bell rang, Ava led all the children to the entrance of the preschool. As soon as they went out, all of them saw an adult and a boy standing outside the preschool.

Duke wore a black suit, and he was dressed up in black from head to toe. The yellow glow of the setting sun shone on him, offsetting his cold aura by just a little. His sharp gaze, upright nose bridge, and gorgeous thin lips looked much gentler under the sunlight of the setting sun. George beside him was also in a black suit. The coldness in his eyes was identical to Duke’s.

When the kids of the preschool looked over, all of them became shocked.


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