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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325

The group of four got into the car.

Duke was driving at the front, while the three kids sat in the back

George’s cold and serious gaze was tinged with some uncharacteristic tenderness. He took out some colorful candies from his pocket. “Mel, which flavor do you like?”

“Mel doesn’t like candies.”

Alden indifferently stopped him. George’s hand paused for a while before he stretched out his hand further. “Since Mel doesn’t eat, then you eat them.” The bunch of colorful candies were forcefully stuffed into Alden’s hand by George, which left him no chance to say no. “Harold likes the strawberry one. You can try,” George indifferently said. Alden pursed his lips and softly said, “Thanks.” He usually did not like to eat candies, but he unwrapped a pink strawberry-flavored candy and put it into his mouth now. The sweetness spread across his mouth. The strawberry-flavored candy actually tasted good. When Duke saw the kids’ interaction from the rearview mirror, his indifferent lips were filled with warmth. The car smoothly glided down the road. About ten minutes later, it arrived at the Winters family’s mansion.

Alden was a little stunned. “Uncle Winters, shouldn’t you send us home?” Duke unbuckled the seatbelt before he indifferently said, “Your mom is cooking dinner in the Winters family, so you naturally need to be here.” Alden was stunned again.

He had told mom about that last night, so should she not stay far away from the Winters family? Why did she still go and approach them?

While Alden was about to unbuckle the seatbelt for Melody, he realized that George already helped Melody get out of the car. When the car door was opened, the voices clearly came from the mansion.

It was Harold’s happy cheers.


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