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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 158

Sarah POV

*6 mouths later*

Alot have changed since six months ago I am a very happy mom and my three children are six months.

my bunny is in her 8 months pregnant although her journey was not easy she almost lost the baby twice ,she is doing so well very good now.

mom stay with us in my house to help me take care of my naughty monkey's as bunny call them.

the boys are very mischievous while the girl is very quiet from the three of them.

little Jannie love Emma like her own mom some time I am very jealous of her.

she always stay with my daughter on the other hand she doesnt want me .

she only wants me when I am breastfeeding her, when she is full then she starts crying looking for Emma.

The boys are the opposite of her,

they like the men in the house anyone as long as he is a man they are totally ok well what can I do am their mom no matter how they don't want me to hold them they will still look for me when their feel hugry.

Lia is almost done with her college while Evans check up on her everyday week.

David has given him a lot of work and still he wants him to prove if he is worthy of her.

I don't like it a bit but I have to agree with him ,she is our princess and we have to take care of her.

Amanda is also pregnant with twins,yes she is 4 month from now.

we are so blessed in our big family.

I am standing in the balcony when I felt someone hold my waist behind my back and I know who it is .

David"hello mommy!

what are you thinking so hard?

"hello dada!

am thinking of our family and our monkeys!

David"yes kitten!


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