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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 159

Sarah POV

I am coming please hold on bunny were going...

Emma"no I can't wait let go now!

you must be wondering why she is in a hurry?

let me explain to you then.

the hole family is missing only em and Amanda are with me.

I woke up this morning and found the hole house empty at first I thought no one is a wake so I went to everyone room only to find no one.

I look for my phone so I can call them but I didn't find its , that is so wird so I trying calling them only to see two pregnant women coming towards me with a hurry.

they ask me to get ready so that what I am doing in my bathroom when she is calling me.

Amanda"sister-in-law can't you do it faster even if am pregnant I can shower quickly than you!

"am coming few more second!

Emma"sarahh I think the baby is coming!!!!!

"what did you say????

I get out of the bathroom and run to the room so worried I didn't even rap my towel in fear of thinking what will happen.

I came out and saw Amanda eating while our crazy Emma looking at my family photos!

I got angry and shouted at her.


she dropped the photos on bed and stood up looking at me while Amanda throw her fruits on the floor.

Emma"goodness capcake you almost give me a heart attack!

"you made me come out of the bathroom naked worried about you and the baby!

Emma"sorry capcake you're taking so long to shower and we're getting late!

I shook my head and went back to get a towel on my body.

I wipe myself as I get back to the room.

"am done so tell me where we're going so I can see what to wear!

Amanda"we are dressing you up miss Anderson?

Chapter 159: 159 - The Ring 1

Chapter 159: 159 - The Ring 2


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