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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 12


"What? No obviously. I just thought that you wouldn't be interested in riding-" I wasn't even finished with my sentence when Alexander completed my words for me, "rides like these?"

"Well yeah. That." I awkwardly laughed, deep inside feeling thankful that I wasn't riding it alone or this would've made me feel bad the whole ride back home.

"Well now that I am here, you don't have to feel bad," Alexander said.

"Did I said that aloud?" I asked and his expression was telling me that I did, making me look another way in embarrassment.

"I don't ride, these things, but since it's you, I am riding it with, I thought of giving it a try. I heard people get mushy-mushy inside these when they are together." Alexander said winking while smiling at me with a knowing look.

I don't know if he was really saying those words in a double-meaning way, but I felt like he was hinting at something when he said that mushy-mushy word.

'and why the hell was he winking at me like this?' I thought in my mind.

"What do you mean by mushy-mushy?" I asked trying to sound ignorant and confident like I didn't understand a thing what he was talking about.

I always thought and was proud that I was a confident girl, but I don't know what happens to me when I am around him. It feels like, a different side of me pops up when he is around. The shy side of me.

"Well you know, friendships grow, relationships turn better, things advance." He said smiling lopsidedly.

"No I don't know, why don't you enlighten me about it, Mr. Alexander," I asked leaning towards him, in an intimidating manner.

"You'll know when we'll be at the top," Alexander said leaning towards me mischievously before holding my hand in his hands.

"Hold my hands like this. It will keep your hands warm." He reasoned before looking outside towards the view of the carnival and I followed suit. 

"It's really beautiful from up here, no?" I asked enjoying the view which was better than I had expected

"It is indeed very beautiful," Alexander said in agreement, smiling one of his dazzling smiles making my heart do summersaults.

And god forbid me, but if he keeps smiling at me like this with those dazzling eyes, I'll do something that surely will change our status from friendship to none.

"You know, we'll be stuck by boredom soon if we sit quietly like this. Why don't we talk about something, maybe get to know each other better?" Alexander suggested after a few seconds.

"What would you like to know about me? I think I told you pretty much everything. About the ones that got away, leaving me alone. About why I am here and all that stuff." I replied still looking in the distance at the pond that was now visible from the height, accompanied by the setting sun.

"Not about that. It is your circumstances. I want to know about you. The real you, that you hide behind that strong facade of yours." Alexander said. 

His meaningful words making me look at him.

I looked into his eyes, which was looking soo deep at the moment as if wanting to suck me in. His orbs were turning a bit yellowish hazel, a beautiful color that was shimmering in the dim sunlight.

"So will you tell me about you?" 

"What bout me?" I asked absentmindedly, still lost deep in his eyes.

"About what you like."

"I like you," I replied absentmindedly.

"What?" Alexander asked his eyes widening at my words and only then did I realize what I have said just now.

"Among friends I like you, Daniel, and the whole group. You know my food preference already, anything with a chocolate milkshake. I am the type of girl who would rather go on a decent road trip with her loved ones than having a party." I said in a hurry to cover up for my previous words.

"That sounds good." Alexander smiled, though there was something about his expression that seemed off. Like he wanted or expected to hear something different from me.

"What about you?" I asked thinking it must be just me thinking too much into things.

"I don't know how to describe myself. People usually say that I am very impatient and get angry very quickly." Alexander said laughing awkwardly.


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