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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 17

Third Person's point of view(POV)


"That new rogue wolf, that we had sent on the borders of Pearly canines, we've got some news about him, boss." A man said bowing in front of his leader, as he entered the lush office, of the leader of the rogues who were now camping on the border of the noman's land, planning a devious plan to attack other packs.


"He is dead, ain't he?" The leader asked as he swirled the knife in his hands before pushing it into the skin of a woman sitting on his lap. 


Feeling the pain of the knife entering her skin, the woman hissed painfully trying to control her cry, so as not to annoy the leader that could cause her, his mate's life.


The leader, however, smiled satisfactorily when he listened to that hissing sound of pain from her mouth. It gave him momentary happiness, as he pushed the knife deeper. 


Oh, how much he loves the sound. It's like music to his ears. The sound that tells someone is in pain gives, and the fact that he was the one causing that pain always makes him feel ecstatic.


"Y-yes, boss." His beta stammered as he looked at the blood dripping from his mate's hands, while her tearful eyes looked at him sadly because both of them knew they can't protect themselves from their strong boss.


"Ahh...don't mind him. He was just baiting, for me to see how strong their patrol is. It means if we take help of that  stinky old witch, then we can enter the border without getting noticed.." The leader said, as he saw the wound on that woman healing and coming back to normal.


Throwing the woman away, who was a werewolf with good healing powers, he stood before asking his beta,


"That witch. He was talking about finding some girl right? Is she human?" He asked as he looked outside the window towards the perimeter of the kingdom they wanted to take over.


"As far as I can depict, she cannot be a mere human, right? Or why would a powerful witch like him try to search for her? There must be something more to her. No?" The beta asked, resulting in the boss throwing a dagger at him, without even turning to look where it hit. 


If not for the subordinates' keen sight, the dagger would have hit straight into his chest, however, he blocked the dagger by turning around and taking the hit on his hand, making him wince in pain and fall on his knees because of the dagger being laced with silver.



"Did I ask for your opinion? Do you think you are worthy enough to share what you are depicting with me? I am just asking is she human?" The leader asked again, his eyes seething with anger.


"Yes, boss. She apparently is." The beta said groaning painfully while pulling out the dagger from his wounded hand with his good hand.


"That's great. I want her. It's been too long since I last played with a human girl." The leader said before entering his room or den as called by others.






"Aish! When will this thing get over!" I whispered in frustration, before banging my head on the table for the tenth time probably.


"Just 5 minutes more, before the bell will ring," Daniel muttered from beside as he looked at me with one of those charming smiles.



Currently, I was sitting in this seminar room, listening to an old man talk about history.

As I looked at my watch for the fiftieth time, suddenly an idea popped in my mind.


Closing my eyes, I joined my hands to pray,

"Dear Genie, please make the bell ring early today."


Before I could even open my eyes, I heard the bell ringing, making me squeal before I dashed out of the room.


I know you guys didn't understand what happened just now. 

To be honest, it was quite a surprise for me too. 


It's been a week since that creepy professor's and wolf incident, and things had gone back to normal for everyone. 


Well not for me. They have turned to another level for me.


I have recently discovered that I might be having a Genie following me, who grants whatever wish I make. Like just now, I asked him to make the bell ring 5 minutes earlier and it did.


It started when, or let me rephrase it, I came to know about it when, I was lying in my bed, on this Monday afternoon, too lazy to close the curtains that were allowing the sunlight to enter the room.


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