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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 19



The fall that I was expecting never happened.


When I didn't feel any pain, I opened my eyes to see what was the reason for me not falling, when I clearly remembered myself stumbling soo hard on that tree branch.


However, the situation in front of me or that was happening with me was no joke. It was true. The nightmares of my power were just beginning.


There was a weird kind of magma coming out of my hands, that I had placed in front of my face earlier to protect myself. The Magna had made a force soo strong on the ground, that it didn't let me fall.


On the contrary, I could see that there were no leaves or stone on the place where the Magna was pointing at. All the leaves have been pushed away and the floor was so clean that it appeared as someone had mopped it.


'Wh-What the hell did just happened?' I asked no one in particular.


'I told you didn't I? Your panicking will only increase your power's desire to protect you and things will turn bad if you don't control them correctly.' Carla said.


'You mean to say, I did this? This power, this Magna or whatever it is called, it's all from me?' I asked her.


'Obviously. Did you thought there was a real genie on your back?' Carla scoffed at my stupidity.


'Then does that mean, I don't have a genie? That genies aren't real?' I asked her, my hopes crashing, making me sad.


'Jesus Victoria! That shouldn't even be the point of your concern. I am telling you that these powers belong to you and all you are concerned over is that you don't have a genie? That genies aren't real? Are you for real?! You are that fucking genie for yourself.' Carla shouted at me, making me squint my eyes in annoyance.


'Wait, what the hell am I saying? Your stupidity germs are inflicting me too. There is nothing like a genie in the first place. They are wishing fairies okay?' Carla said.


'Then, shouldn't I at least wish for a Broom to travel around?' I asked her, which I could see was only irritating her more.


'You know what? Whether you wish for a Broom or even a fuckin airplane to travel around, I don't care. It's not a matter of my concern in the first place. Besides, I am hungry. Let's eat something before I smash your head with my annoyance and irritating emotions.' Carla warned me before sitting on the couch inside my mind.


Wait! The last time I checked there was only a freaking chair, how did it turn into a couch? 


'What if? Just what if, Carla is that genie, who is fulfilling my wishes and has those powers? It can be true right?' I thought while blocking my mind so that, she couldn't hear anything.


Before I could even take a step ahead, I heard some rustling from behind me.


"Hey! Ria! Why did you run off like that? God damn it! You run faster than a wolf!" Alexander said as he started nearing me.


"What are you even following me for? And what wolf? You talk like you compete with a wolf every day." I asked keeping my emotions in check just like how Carla had said. I don't want to display my freaking powers in front of him just like that and scare the shit out of him. 


I don't want people to think that I am some weird psycho or something like that.


"I just, I saw you running out of the cafeteria after the incident with Laila, so I-"


"So, you naturally thought I am the reason behind that incident? That I did that to your girlfriend? Right?" I asked cutting him off in between.


Though I was trying to keep my cool 'I am not at fault, so I don't give a damn', facade, I was barely keeping it in. I was feeling so nervous that he might know about my powers.


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