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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 28



"Who are you?" I asked in a soft voice, which was equally confident and respectful. I don't know where that courage of talking was coming from, but something inside me was telling me to appear strong in front of her.


"As Alexander mentioned. I am Azrael the leader of the Centauri clan, my dear Victoria." I heard her voice in my head again. A bit more respectful this time.


"How are you able to communicate with me like this?" I asked, wanting to get a grip of the situation and know how she can put her voice in my head just like that. 

Is she someone just like Carla? 


To be honest it was both creepy and cool at the same time. 

Mind to mind conversation. Just wow...


"Didn't your parents told you anything, when they met you last time? Didn't they tell you who you were and what was your purpose?" She asked with a calm face, though I could see a hint of confusion in her eyes.


"And, what are you talking about? I can communicate with you like this, because you and I are the same, the witches, though other supernatural also have this ability." She said proudly.


I looked at her. Waiting for her to say it was all a joke and she was just kidding. However, when I saw she didn't have any intentions of doing that, I laughed.


Yup! I literally laughed at her face. Her words sent me into a hysteric of laughter before I composed myself. What did she say?? What was the term? Witch?


"Witches, you say? Are you crazy or something?" I asked as I chuckled at her nonsense.


"Yes. And actually, you and I are not same. You are different but in a good way, you are the crown-" she was about to say something but my burst of laughter stopped her mid-way.


"Hahaha...you have a funny way of joking. Okay, common, jokes aside, I am serious this time. How can you do this telepathy thing with me? I want to earn this technique." I said trying my best to put on a serious face.


"You don't believe me? Okay. So tell me what about your powers? Why do you think you have those magical powers that guides you, protects you, always stay by your side and in your case, helps you dress up?" She asked, making me feel a bit embarrassed at that dressing part.


"Isn't that because I am gifted naturally? Besides, there are plenty of magicians out there. I hardly believe they are witches. Besides, are you living in some twilight fiction? Don't you think, you are a bit old now to play that kind of prank on me? Don't think that you can act funny and trick me. You are telepathic right?" I asked.


The nerve of this old woman trying to trick me! 

"Telepathic? Is that the term you have been using all along? You don't remember anything, do you?" She asked after a long pause, smiling creepily.



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