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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 33


"Carla! Carla! Save me! I am on fire! My whole body is burning!" I shouted in my head as I looked at my body that was engulfed in fire.

"What are you doing?! What am I supposed to do in a situation like this! It's not me who can control your powers. It's you!" Carla shouted back making me wince in pain.

"Then, who am I supposed to go to look for help?" I asked back.

"Didn't that old lady told you to keep your emotions in check. Can't you see that you might be on fire, but you are not particularly feeling any pain? Even your clothes are not burning for god's sake!" Carla remarked.

Her words made me looked at my clothes. They were on fire, no doubt, but not even a single thread of the cloth was burning for real. 

Just what kind of magic is this?

I have so engrossed in my thoughts that all my previous thoughts of self-depreciation dissolved and the fire around me started to fade eventually.

I looked at my hands in shock that were clean, like I wasn't on fire, but was showering. Not even a spec of ash was there on my body.

However, when I looked down, I could see the leaves around me all burnt and the ground was wiped clean. It had formed a circle kind of thing around me.

You guys must be confused as to what's happening and what the hell am I talking about right?

Let me start from the beginning.

So as everyone knows, I exited the bar after my talk with Grandma Azrael because I wasn't interested in what she has to say to Alexander.

"Wasn't it because she didn't allow you to say anything?" Carla said rolling her eyes.

"Uhh...I didn't want to listen anyways okay. I don't like intruding on people's privacy." 

"Look who's speaking. Weren't you the one who tried to read Alexander's thoughts?" Carla said making me groan before I blocked her.

So as I was saying, I went into the forest after exiting the club. Now you guys might reprimand me that why I came into the forest after what happened earlier with that bad wolf. 

And honestly, I don't have any words to explain myself.

I was so lost in my world constantly thinking that how much my real mom and dad had to suffer so that I could live in this world, that I didn't even notice that I was in the middle of the forest until I smelled fire smoke around me.

It was only then that I realized, it wasn't that the place around me was the only thing burning, I was burning with it. Or should I rephrase it and say, I was the one burning it.

Of course, it's because I was soo lost in my thoughts of self-loathing that I forgot that I have some supernatural powers that go to any extent to protect me. 

And maybe the fire was just a symbol of my anger towards the world that made my parents suffer so much.


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