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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 42


"Ouch!! I am sorry okay?" Alexander said while he massaged his jaw, to ease out the pain, that my punch might've caused.

"For a girl that looks so delicate, your punches are surely powerful." He commented again when I didn't say anything.

Meanwhile, what I was doing? I was trying to smoothen my messy thoughts that were all over the place.

"Look, I know, I shouldn't have kissed you so suddenly before saying anything and-" Alexander started, but I cut him mid-sentence when my anger started to rise.

And I know I need to take out my anger, before my powers think, that it's a perfect time to make Victoria's life messier than it already is, by exposing her in front of her crush, so that he can run miles away from her, just after kissing her.

"How dare you!" I said, nearing Alexander as I jabbed my finger in his chest.

"Do you have any idea of your own feelings?" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"How dare you, dance intimately with Laila, when you showed so-called like feelings towards me?! How dare you send mixed signals to me! How dare you kiss my neck at my home!" I said jabbing my finger in his chest with each sentence.

"Look, I know it must be confusing, but hear me out first okay? I was-" Alexander said as he raised his hands in the air, as an indication of surrender.

"You bet, it's confusing! First, you come to hug me, kiss my neck, then go to your so-called friend and then dance with her, and then when I am with my friend, you come, punch him, kidnap me, and then kiss me on lips! Do you have any idea what you are doing, yourself?"

"Look-" Alexander started again, but I wasn't done with him, so yet.

"Kissing is not an issue. How dare you kiss me this late?! Do you have any idea there were so many times I wanted you to kiss me? But you are such a dimwit. Did it take you three weeks after that accidental kiss on the Ferris wheel, to kiss me? That to be in a fit of anger?" I said.

"I know, it was wrong of me to kiss you, and I should be-" he started again. 

He said it was wrong of him, to kiss me? The fuck is wrong with his brain today?

"Now you regret kissing me too? Wow! Just great! To hell with your fuckin slow mind processing! You!! You are dumber than me Alexander! Ahhh!! I will surely do something, that I will regret today. I don't even want to talk to you anymore!" I said as I stomped my foot in irritation before turning around, wanting to leave.

"Victoria, don't go like that. At least listen to me. Wait.…" He paused as his eyes widened in understanding, before he held me by my shoulders, startling me in the process.

"So kissing is not the problem? I mean, you mean, you like me too?" He asked as he looked at me with those expectant happy puppy eyes.

'Cute!' I thought before I reprimanded myself to concentrate. Now was not the time to go head over heels for him.

Though I was feeling irritated earlier and like my brain was about to get fried, however, when I looked at his happy expression, I couldn't help but feel happy deep inside my heart.

"What do you think, dumbass?" I rolled my eyes, as I turned around again, hiding my face, not able to keep that ghost of smile away from my face anymore.

"Oh god! You like me! You fuckin' like me! Jesus, is this some fantasy?" He asked raising his brows before his lips turned into the best smile I have ever seen on his face.

"You don't have any idea, how happy I am today. I feel like I am the happiest man on the earth today. I finally got my queen." Alexander said, and I was about to reply to him and comment on that queen part when he lifted me in the air and started circling me around.

'Not again!' I thought as my stomach started to have a weird reaction because of him circling me.

"Alexander Hunter! You better put me down! This is not funny at all!" I said with my head getting dizzy with each passing second.

But did he listened to me? Nope.

He was laughing so hard that, I doubt, he was even listening to anything I was saying now.

After a few seconds, which felt like an eternity to me, he finally put me down, which made me lose my balance, because of my dizzy head.

However, before my butt could land on the ground and make me taste some pain, I was caught by Alexander as he held me in his arms, looking at me with that signature smile of his.

"Don't worry, I will never let you fall." He said as he smiled at me, and I couldn't help but feel my heart swelling with love.


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