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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 44


"Do you think she went in shock?"

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy? Don't spout nonsensical things."

"But he is right, why isn't she awake yet?" 

"I think you should splash some more water on her face." 

"I have a better idea. Throw her into waters. She will wake up when she'll drown." 

"Daniel, you better take him out of here, before I decide it's much better to drown him." 

"Ignore him. But I do agree with his idea of splashing some water on her."

"I don't know. I am kind of feeling a bit jittery. Will she think I am some kind of monster?"

"Don't overthink. I am sure, she'll understand if we explain her and give her some time."

"Yeah, maybe you are right. I  don't think I can live without her if she decides to leave me because of my species. Hunter will be heartbroken, and I don't even know how will I be able to mend things with him." 

"We are not done with this mate topic. I think we need to consult some witch regarding the matter. Besides, she is such a brave girl, I don't think she will leave here like this."

"Yeah, but it's not like you come to know-" 

"Hey, look her finger moved." 


Uhhuh! What was all this noise around me? 


'Who are these guys, talking just above my head to annoy my sleep? Is aunt Marla back? She must be watching movies, I am sure.' I thought while trying to open my eyes so that I can greet her before she decides to go back to her boyfriend's place.


As I opened my eyes, the first thing that I noticed was a branch.


Branch? From when do I have branches in my room. Wait! Is that a tree?


"Hey, you are awake. How do you feel? Does your head still hurt?" Alexander said with a worried expression etched on his face.


What is he doing in my room now?


"Why would you ask that? What happened-" I stopped in between when the flashback of the events after the dance started surfacing.


Extending my hand, I touched Alexander's cheeks and sighed loudly when I felt his normal skin instead of the fur that I had seen. 


I need to stop watching those unrealistic movies. 


"Okay, umm...you can take her back home, that she is awake now. We'll meet later. Yeah?" Daniel said as they all looked at me as if I was some kind of mental patient.


Alexander helped me up and supported my body on the tree beside the lake.

Once everyone was out of sight, I looked at Alexander before exclaiming,

"You won't believe what I saw Alexander! Before fainting, I feel like I saw Chris, Aiden Sean, and Daniel changing into wolves! Wolves for god's sake! Can you believe that? Even you, you changed into a caveman with large nails and...and...you looked like...thunder..." I trailed off, while looking at Alexander, who wasn't reacting or saying anything anymore.


With his back to my side, he sighed loudly, and I couldn't help but guess why it was like that. 


I looked at the beautiful lake, which was shining under the moonlight, before muttering softly,

"You can start with your explanation." 


It wasn't hard putting two and two together anymore. 


I remembered asking Alexander so many times to go and meet thunder with me, but he never agreed to it, and would always make some excuse.

Apart from that, I used to hear growling and roaring sounds whenever these boys were together.

They also have a huge appetite. And that day, I was sure Alexander was wounded with a knife and there was blood on his shirt, but when I checked, there was not even a scratch.


His eyes would always change colors depending on his mood, and his voice will also change its tone from time to time as if he was a different person.


I might be wrong, but years of reading those online novels, movies, web series, indicated one thing only.


Alexander was a werewolf.



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