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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 47


Running at the fastest speed I could, I finally reached the goal that Azrael had set up for me, for today, which was 30 km. Okay, fine. I cheated a bit.

It's been a month since she started training me vigorously so that I can transform less painfully and cooperate with both, my witch powers and Carla.

Now, you guys must be feeling confused, thinking what's this all about. Let me brief you, I started transforming, from that day in the forest, when I saw my horrified reflection for the first time in the lake.

When Alexander was telling me about his species of werewolves, and all that mate stuff, and I was feeling this excruitiating pain, Carla's voice filled with urgency echoed in my head.

'I warned you to get far away from here as soon as possible. Didn't I? Now that our mate has kissed us, it has triggered the transformation process by 10 times. Even your witch powers are having a hard time suppressing it.' She said as she started to pace around with a painful expression on her face.

I don't know what she was talking about, all I knew at that time was that I needed to get far away from Alexander because I didn't want him to see me like this and get worried over anything.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I suddenly felt like I was pushed into a dark pit and before I know it, I was lying on the wooden floor of some house. 

When I opened my eyes and looked around, I noticed it wasn't some random house. It was the house I used to live in before I moved to pearly canines. It was my adoptive parent's home. My home in New York.

"I thought I would have to help you teleport. Who would've known that your powers are leveling up with such great intensity." Suddenly I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

It belonged to none other than my grandmother Miss Azrael.

Turning around, I looked at her with teary eyes, with some hope that she will help me in stopping this pain, as I was still choking on my blood.

What I didn't expect was, as soon as grandma Azrael started to walk towards me, with her extended hands, large black pillars suddenly formed around me, which prevented her from moving any closer.

"Victoria, I know it's hard on you. But it's only you who can do this. Your powers won't let me help you. You need to do it yourself. Your powers are getting too agitated with you crying like that. First, try to control your emotions." She said looking at me with a sympathetic gaze.

'You damn crazy woman! Has old age got inside your brain? My canines are elongating, my bones feel like they are breaking and my muscles feel like being ripped apart and you want me to smile? Are you sure, you are helping me out?' I wanted to yell at her, as one more tear dropped from my eyes, immediately turning the pillars from black to dirty blue.

"Victoria! You have to understand. You have to ask your powers to let this transformation take place. The more your powers will interfere the more painful it will become." She said, her eyes glistening at the last part.

Taking a deep breath as I was still lying on the floor in a cocoon position, I tried to convey the message to myself that it's okay, and that this needed to be done, using all the ways to all to my powers, since this was something I was doing for the first time. But, before I could do that, I heard a cracking sound and felt like my legs were broken in two.

'Ahhhhhh!!' I shouted in agony as I felt my breath hitching with the pain.

"Stop! I can't! I can't take it anymore. Please..please..please make it stop. I can't. I can't..please. I beg you...please do something, to stop this. Please!" I pleaded. My tears falling without any control now, as I curled my body back in the cocoon position, and closed my eyes.

"Victoria! Wake up! You can't close your eyes! You'll die, dear, if you close your eyes. Please...wake up. To protect you from the pain, they'll kill Carla! She'll die a painful death inside you. Much more painful than you are going through right now. Do you not love her! Just think of her! Do it for her. If you want to save her!" Grandma Azrael said from afar, as my pillars were still not letting her in.

'Carla?' I thought.

Will she die, if I don't bear with this pain?

Thinking about Carla, her nasty remarks, her sarcastic self, and how she has always been there with me as a part of me, I couldn't help but wipe my tears, as newfound energy started creeping inside me.

'I am scared Victoria. I don't want to leave you. I want to be with you.' I heard a faint voice in my head, and I knew it was none other than my Carla. 

'Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. You are one of the best things that happened to me. I won't let my powers hurt you.' I smiled stiffly as another bone-crushing pain passed through my hands.

"You are doing great! Just keep going like that." Miss Azrael said, as I looked towards her with my teary gaze, and noticed how the pillars were changing their color to black again.

It was a great sign, no?

With newfound motivation, I tried, to sit on my knees, supported with my hands.  With each wave of pain, I was falling to the side again and again. But, thinking about Carla, gave me hope and every time the pain used to make me fall, I used to sit back, with a stiff smile on my face, as I let the pain wash over me. 

Closing my eyes, I searched through my head for Carla to be with her, as the pain in my body increased tenfold. 

The largest hit of the pain washed over me, which threw my body towards the door, making me hit the bench on the side, however, I still didn't stop searching for her, because some droplets of blood fell from my head on the ground, because of the previous hit


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