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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 53


"What information have you brought this time? It better be good, or I am going to kill you and your useless, good for nothing squad." The rogue leader said as he looked at me with those lecherous eyes.

"Sorry, leader. I wasn't able to add the spelled liquid in their food as planned, but there is something that I came to know, and I am sure you would like to hear about it." I said, bowing my head to show my utmost respect to the clan.

"You failed again? What a useless bitch! Now, what could be more interesting that can improve my mood?" He asked while roaming his hands on one of the girls that he always keeps beside him to have his way with.

"This, the new alpha king Alexander has found his mate-" Before I could even complete my sentence, he slapped me so hard that I could feel my inner cheek bleeding.

"You bitch! You've been giving me bad news since the moment you entered, and you expect me to feel good about it? The alpha king has found his mate. Won't it make him stronger than before? Do you want me to celebrate now?" He asked, making me look at him with teary eyes.

"It's not that, leader. When I was passing by the bushes to add the liquid to the food, I heard Alexander's beta Daniel and Alexander's mate talking, and it looks like Alexander's beta also loves this girl and declares that she is his mate." I said, looking down as I saw my blood dripping down on the floor from the corner of my lips.

Wiping the blood with the back of my hand, I couldn't help but scoff at this scoundrel of a leader. If not for the leader possessing such a big army of rogues, I, an alpha myself, would've never taken this humiliation.

"Is that true? Does that mean both of them are fighting for the same girl? An alpha king and an alpha who works as beta, fighting for the love of the same girl? It indeed is interesting. We can make use of this Daniel guy to take over the kingdom. All we need is a little bit of persuasion and some tricks up our sleeves that can be used to turn him against Alexander. Uhh... finally a piece of good news after so long." The leader smiled before he grabbed the girl beside him and asked her to leave.

Though he was talking, I couldn't miss the evil glint he was throwing my way while looking me up and down with a lustful gaze.

"If that's all, I will be leaving," I said, wanting to leave the place as soon as possible.

"What about that girl Laila? Since she wasn't able to become the Luna queen, is she useful anymore?" He asked.

"I don't think so. You can send your further orders for her. I'll see if we can use her any further or should discard her already." I said, turning around to leave.

Closing the door behind me as I shifted into my wolf form, I ran towards my own hiding before picking up the call from Aiden.

"Hello, Aiden? Yeah? I'll be there. Don't worry." I said before turning around in the direction of the mansion.



Looking at our mate, who was standing looking all shy, Hunter couldn't help but feel like marking her already. 

We both wanted that but knew to control our emotions before we scare the life out of her. 

A marking process wasn't anything easy. The mates have to go through one of the worst pains when they mark each other and bite into each other's flesh. Given how Victoria wasn't a full werewolf and I was the alpha king, I knew when I'll bite into her flesh, it will be more painful for her than I can imagine.

However, it was also an important process because it was a way to tell and warn other wolves that the person is already mated to someone else and is off-limits. Also, once marked, the mates become each other forever. 

It was a full moon today, and I'll have to wait for three months till the next blood moon appears. It was a tradition that the alpha king has to follow. Normal werewolves can mark their mates on any full moon, but an alpha king was needed to mark his mate on blood moons only.

"Hey, so I was thinking if everything's-" Victoria started. However, before she could complete her sentence, I heard my father's voice from the study above, and I couldn't help but smile apologetically at her. 


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