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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 62


Walking towards my house after a long hectic day, I couldn't help but think about going to that cafe that I have only once visited since I came here. 

I at least need to do something to take my mind off the fact that today was my birthday, the same day when my parents died.

Today's day wasn't anything special as I had guessed. Surprisingly, I saw neither Daniel nor Alexander in my classes today. 

'Way to make my day more boring.' I scoffed before looking at the flowers in my garden.

This reminds me of watering them or they'll wilt.

All my day today was spent in the company of Katie and Angela.

Katie was a sweetheart who accompanied me with her sarcastic remarks towards everyone, which was both fun to look at and a bit irritating when she would start with her full fighting mode just to frustrate anyone.

'Let's just get this over with. It's just a day.' I thought before putting in the key.

Opening the door of my house, I looked at my pitch-black surroundings, which reminds me to leave a 0-2 watt bulb always on.

As I was about to turn on the lights, someone put a cloth on my face rendering me speechless as I struggled to get a grasp of the person who was almost choking me with that cloth on my mouth.

I was about to use my powers to light up the house, or just push the person away as I felt the presence of more than one person around me when I heard a cluster of voices that yelled only one thing,



"I bet she was scared." 

I heard people saying before I was engulfed in a familiar hug, and was kissed on my forehead.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," Alexander said, pecking my lips briefly before the lights were turned on.

And what the actual fudging nuts!

What the hell did they do to my house!

I smiled at Alexander thankfully before looking at Sean, who was ready with that foaming liquid and was spraying it all over the floor, while yelling and shouting 'Woohoo', again and again.

"Who even allowed you to get into my house?" I asked Sean, rolling my eyes at his childishness, who was still busy in his so-called decorating my floor. 

"Happy birthday girl! If it wasn't for Alexander inviting us to prepare for things since he wanted to throw you a birthday bash, you wouldn't have even told us that it was your birthday, no?" Chris said as he hugged me from the side.

"I wasn't intending on celebrating it," I mumbled quite confused.

I was about to ask Alexander how he knew about it when my question was answered by Marla exiting the kitchen.

"Oh, don't look at me with those accusing eyes. The poor boy was feeling guilty for whatever reason, and came yesterday to say sorry to you after you went out in a fit of anger. Seeing his apologetic eyes and sweet face, I couldn't help but tell him about your birthday so that he can make up to you." Marla said before she took her purse in her hand, about to leave.

"Aren't you staying?" I asked her as I followed her out of the house.

"I would've loved to. But I think you need to have some fun time with your friends. Besides, I wouldn't want to interrupt yours and Alexander's, you know what I mean, right?" Marla winked, whistling and leaving, not before ruffling my hairs.

Looking back at the house, I couldn't help but feel nervousness creeping inside me as this would be the first time I would be celebrating something after two years.

"Hey! What are you doing out there? Come back inside. Let's cut the cake!" Sean shouted, making me smile as I sighed, feeling cared for the first time. 

Though I was smiling and feeling cared for, deep inside, I wasn't able to get over the fact that someone tried to choke me a few moments ago when someone had placed that cloth over my face.

'Or maybe I am just thinking too much into things as I have been feeling a bit too paranoid since I came to know that my grandfather was out there on a hunt for a hybrid that was me.

Going back into the house, I looked at the only empty place in the room, which happened to be between Alexander and Daniel. 

Not thinking too much into things, I passed through the guys to get to my seat, however, as I was about to sit down, I was immediately scooped in Alexander's arms as he hugged me while making me sit on his lap.

Nuzzling his face in my neck, he apologized once again before Kissing the soft spot that turns me into a puddle.


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