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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 72


I was shocked. Not because of the revealing of such unpredictable truths, but because of the cold person that Victoria has turned into.

Even my wolf was becoming edgy, looking at her as he was growling and clawing at me to take control so that he can take her away from here and calm her down.

She looked nothing like the girl I love, rather she was looking like an incarnation of the devil, who was out there hunting souls.

Her amber-hazel-colored eyes had turned completely orchard-yellow as she looked at Alexander and Katie sinisterly. And to be honest, I was too scared to say anything to her anymore.

When I entered earlier with Katie by my side, I had witnessed the horrifying scene of Victoria punching Alexander and then plunging that knife in Laila's body, and couldn't help but feel my insides wrenching when I saw the cold smile that she smiled even after doing something so sinister.

And from the look that she was throwing Katie's way, I was sure she wasn't satisfied yet and was looking for more blood.

I gazed at our former king, Theodore Roosevelt, and couldn't help but feel confused when I saw a polite smile lurking on his lips. As if sensing my gaze on him, he looked my way before smiling gently.

Seriously? What is wrong with this guy? His future daughter-in-law is shredding people to pieces, and rather than stopping her from creating this bloody mess, he was standing there smiling like a proud fool.

"That's exactly how she is mentioned in the books. The brutal Carla that everyone knows." He murmured, making me more confused while the head chef that was standing beside him looked at him, shocked.

Turning my gaze back at Victoria, I looked at her smiling sweetly as she gazed at Alexander calmly, which looked like the calm before a thunder.

I need to stop her before she kills everyone here because from what I can see, her dark side was taking over, and it wasn't a good thing for a lantern. A dark lantern was more brutal than an angry werewolf. 



"Victoria, you bitch. You dare hurt me!" Katie finally said, lunging at me as she gripped my neck, making me slightly stumble before I pulled her hands away from my body and turned her hands in the opposite direction, making a cracking sound reverberate in the hall.


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