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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 75


"Wait, what? You are kidding me, right? What in the world are you talking about? No, let me finish." I said when I noticed him trying to add something.

"Look, if you think this is some joking time, then it's not. If you haven't figured it out yet, then let me tell you, we are in the middle of a war, and seeing how you don't react to these half-humans and half wolves, I am assuming that you know all about them. How about we catch up a bit later? I have a king to protect on my bucket list right now." I blabbered, not knowing where it was coming from.

"Victoria, my darling, my savior, you haven't changed a bit. Still as sunny and funny as ever. I remember the day when I had told you that for saving my life, I'll make you a queen. Don't you remember?" Robert said, making me go in a flashback of memories.

It was the time of autumn when I had come here for the second and the last time. Since the incidence of me being lost left a great impact on my parents, they decided that this place wasn't for me.

It was when I was playing down the hills, which I must mention, was me sneaking out to play because my parents won't let me off the house, I had found someone screaming not far from where I was playing. 

When I walked closer to the source of the sound, I saw a drowning boy my age, flailing his arms in the strong stream. From the bloody water around him, I had depicted that he was badly injured and couldn't help but jump in the water to save him. 

At that time, I was so proud of myself for saving a life that I didn't even notice that I had walked a bit too away from where I was playing and lost my way to find the source of the voice.

It didn't help with the strong stream of water that carried both of us for some distance before depositing us on the banks after we fell from the waterfall.

For two days, it was just me and that boy, and we had become good friends. 

Since the boy was badly injured and looked like he has stabbed a few many times, I didn't let him do any heavy work and took it upon myself to take care of him. For two days, I was responsible for arranging food, water, and shelter.

It was funny how I had healed his wounds when I didn't know a single thing about first-aid. Now that I think about it, I think it was all my powers who had saved him that day.

When the boy gained proper consciousness, he told me how he was betrayed by his family and was stabbed to death, and it was pure luck that I saved him because he had lost all hope in living. 

It was so sad to hear about it. When I had looked into his sad tearful eyes, I knew he loved his family and people very much. The little me was so angry thinking about it that there were family members like those, who would do such an audacious thing to their child like that, and at that time, I had told him to take revenge for what his family did to him. To pay them back with tenfold of the pain of what he received. 

Now that I think about that time, I was really vengeful from the very beginning and was too negative at that time.

However, I didn't know that my words would make such an impact on the boy. I very well remember the dark glint that passed through his eyes when he had said that my words were a command to him, and for what I did that day, he will make my life tenfold better and will make me his queen.

Such sweet words had really appealed to me and made me feel loved at that time because I didn't have many friends because of my telepathy thing. I had used my telepathy on him, and everything he said about the betrayal and his story was indeed true, which lead me to trust him.


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